JP domestic radio tx frequency range data base


Feb 25, 2025
I want to buy a HF rig in Japan due to the huge price difference. I almost bought a FTDX-10 but stopped because I wasn't sure about whether it could operate on all the US bands. It took a lot of research, but I finally found out how to make a decision.
On all JP domestic market equipment whether receivers or transceivers( analog and digital), they all have a "giteki" mark. ( you can google giteki to see what the symbol looks like). Next to the number there is a number, you can enter that number on the JP gov ( Soumu) url and it allows one to see the emissions and frequency ranges the radio will output.
for the Yasesu FTDX-10, the giteki registration number is "002-200053"
enter it on this url is a JP government site.

the above site is in Japanese, but when I selected the english option, I could not figure out how to do the search. So I left it in JP, and let my browser to translate in to english and executed the search and download.

An excel sheet is generated and downloaded, and all the emission modes, power outputs and frequency ranges are listed.
In this case only the 60m band is missing.

In general, I think 6m and below; rigs can also be opened up, but above 6m forget it.

2m, 70cm, bands are narrower in JP than the US and they can not be mod'd.
Most transceivers come in three ver 100W, 50W and 10W. The suffix after the model name "M" or "S" designate the 50W and 10W version respectively.
Unverified but recent HF transceivers with the M may be sw modifiable to full power, some japanese stores and websites seem to offer this.

I hope this helps someone.


Premium Subscriber
Nov 19, 2005
Those power output levels correspond to the allowed limits based on one’s Japanese amateur radio license.

You’ll need to show your passport to enjoy duty free pricing on top of the friendly Yen to dollar conversion rate right now. When you return to your country, customs…


Feb 25, 2025
Before the Giteki mark there was the "J" mark. Luckily I have some vintage 2m and 70cm handies from Japan, prior to the J mark so they work fine except mine don't have sub-audible PLL tone encode/decode options. However, my prize unit is a Belcom LS-202, its a 2m handie but its also FM and SSB. Again, its missing the offset for US repeater operation but I intend on using it only on SSB so no loss. ( in the usa it was sold as a Santec LS-202a with repeater offset support). I also had a IC-706 and when I moved to the USA I had to swap the CPU to make it work on 2m properly, which was a royal pita.