I was thinking of signing up for the same thing as I'm on a hill that overlooks the Los Angeles and Long Beach harbors in CA. Do you have any idea how the receiver will impact your Internet BW? Unfortunately my Internet is not that great at 1.5mb and I'm worried about anything slowing it down.
Hi, running Shipplotter for many years now, monitoring inland shipping in my area (southeast part of the Netherlands).
Passing here daily about 200 inland ships, in November so far my upload with Shipplotter was 500 MB, download 38.5 MB so that's absolutely nothing special.
I'm uploading ais data to Shipplotter server itself + upload to MarineTraffic.com and FleetMon.com, sdo I'll guess with S.P. alone it's only less then 200 MB/month.
Have fun with AIS!
rgrds, Jan (middenlimburg.net)
Edit: sorry for replying to older topics, did just see this one was from May...