having an issue with a 5 day old psr-800 and the area around the keys wearing.
almost like the black backing where its touched is wearing right off
serial # 002269 ...
anybody else having this problem? or similar?
Looks like several reports of this problem. It's got to be a "production run" (not sure if that's the correct term) problem. I've had mine 5 months and I just now checked the face. The dark part, the buttons, and the glass screen are pristine. Viewing with 5X reading glasses (bulky, used, and worn, like a pop-up visor), I can see no scratches, blemishes, fingerprints, greasy smudge marks, etc. Also I can see no dust behind the glass screen.
I find this remarkable on it's own without reference to the problem described by others. I have used the 4-way button (left thumb) and the menu/select/power buttons (right thumb) thousands of times, being careful to hold the radio with my fingers off the buttons until time for button-press. I have never washed my hands first, and I have done much of this while eating chips and dip, etc.
With my eyes closed, I cannot tell the difference between the glass screen and the adjoining dark surface. Both are as smooth as glass with no way to feel the boundary between the two surfaces. I know, this makes no sense to me either, but this is, in fact, a true hands-on, eye-on, report.