Kingsmill House Democratic Conference 2009

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Sep 3, 2004
Williamsburg, VA
Looks like the House Democratic Caucus retreat at Kingsmill Resort will be between 05Feb09 and 08Feb09:,0,5080581.story

If this is similar to last year's conference, the members of congress will arrive by AMTRAK to the Williamsburg terminal and go by bus to Kingsmill. There will probably be some "tourist" trips to Jamestown Island and Colonial Williamsburg.

The U.S. Capital Police will provide security assisted by the Virginia State Police, the James City Police Department and the Williamsburg Police Department.

For last year's conference see:

The USCG provided air and water security (Kingsmill is on the James River).

Should make for some interesting listening....even more if Obama attends.
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Sep 3, 2004
Williamsburg, VA
Looks like Obama will attend:

source: The Virginia Gazette - News - Security tight for Obama at retreat

Saturday, January 31, 2009 2:19 AM EST
JAMES CITY — When Democrats in the House of Representatives hold their retreat at Kingsmill next week, it’s likely that President Barack Obama will show up briefly with Gov. Tim Kaine.

The Capitol Hill newspaper Roll Call confirmed Wednesday an earlier report that the new president would be here.

Kingsmill mailed a notice last week that the resort section of the compound will be closed from 8 a.m. next Thursday until 3 p.m. next Saturday. It’s not known exactly when Obama will arrive. Such security would be imposed regardless, since House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is third in line to succession.

Security is expected to be extremely tight by the Secret Service, Virginia State Police and James City County Police. While en route from the airport, Route 60 and other roads will be blocked off at intervals to allow high-speed travel in the presidential limousine. Alternatively, Obama could land on the compound in his presidential helicopter Marine 1.

President George W. Bush attended the retreat in 2007 in a futile attempt to find common ground with the Democrats. Former President Bill Clinton spoke at the retreat in 2007.

Kaine’s attendance was expected since he’s governor of the host state and was just chosen by Obama to chair the Democratic National Committee.
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Sep 3, 2004
Williamsburg, VA
Those that occupy Camp Peary are very careful about not directing attention to themselves....

It is my guess that Obama will arrive by Marine 1 (like George Bush) or he will fly into Newport News/Williamsburg Airport (the old Patrick Henry) and then motorcade.

Last year, the train bringing the members of Congress to Williamsburg was shadowed by a USCG helicopter. Once they arrived, they took a bus to Kingsmill. U.S Capitol Police were the primary security for the conference and they operated on 168.350 MHz.

I'm sure there is already an advance detail in the area setting up the security and coordinating with the local police.
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Sep 3, 2004
Williamsburg, VA
According to the Richmond Times Dispatch, it looks like Thursday will be the day Obama visits Kingsmill:

"President Barack Obama will travel to the Williamsburg area on Thursday to attend U.S. House Democrats' annual retreat at the Kingsmill Resort & Spa in James City County.

The president will speak at the National Prayer Breakfast in Washington that morning before traveling to Williamsburg, according to White House press secretary Robert Gibbs."

As of today, I have not seen any flight restriction posted by the FAA. The NOTAMS will give a good indication of the arrival time and possibly how he will arrive.


Sep 3, 2004
Williamsburg, VA
From reading this NOTAMS, Obama may be flying into Newport News/Williamsburg Airport and then going to Kingsmill. This is just a guess. However, if you look at you will see three circles. One is the wide area, one is centered on Kingsmill and the other it centered over Newport News/Williamsburg Airport.

(edit at 16:37 EST) According to local news reports, Biden will be attending....this could account for some of the strange times in the NOTAMS (two VIP visits).


Issue Date : February 03, 2009 at 1827 UTC
Location : Williamsburg, Virginia
Beginning Date and Time : February 05, 2009 at 2310 UTC
Ending Date and Time : February 06, 2009 at 0245 UTC
Reason for NOTAM : Temporary flight restrictions for VIP (Very Important Person) Movement
Type : VIP
From February 05, 2009 at 2310 UTC (February 05, 2009 at 1810 EST)
To February 06, 2009 at 0245 UTC (February 05, 2009 at 2145 EST)
Area B
Airspace Definition:
Center: On the NORFOLK VORTAC (ORF) 320 degree radial at 19.8 nautical miles. (Latitude: 37º07'00"N, Longitude: 76º30'10"W)
Radius: 10 nautical miles
Altitude: From the surface up to but not including 18000 feet MSL
Effective Date(s):
From February 05, 2009 at 2310 UTC (February 05, 2009 at 1810 EST)
To February 06, 2009 at 0015 UTC (February 05, 2009 at 1915 EST)
Area C
Airspace Definition:
Center: On the HARCUM VORTAC (HCM) 180 degree radial at 12.8 nautical miles. (Latitude: 37º14'09"N, Longitude: 76º40'49"W)
Radius: 10 nautical miles
Altitude: From the surface up to but not including 18000 feet MSL
Effective Date(s):
From February 05, 2009 at 2335 UTC (February 05, 2009 at 1835 EST)
To February 06, 2009 at 0215 UTC (February 05, 2009 at 2115 EST)
Area D
Airspace Definition:
Center: On the NORFOLK VORTAC (ORF) 320 degree radial at 19.8 nautical miles. (Latitude: 37º07'00"N, Longitude: 76º30'10"W)
Radius: 10 nautical miles
Altitude: From the surface up to but not including 18000 feet MSL
Effective Date(s):
From February 06, 2009 at 0135 UTC (February 05, 2009 at 2035 EST)
To February 06, 2009 at 0245 UTC (February 05, 2009 at 2145 EST)
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Sep 3, 2004
Williamsburg, VA
According to the Daily Press, this is Obama's schedule:

"He's expected to fly into Newport News, then fly by helicopter to and from Williamsburg. The retreat is closed to the public and the press."

The NOTAMS suggests he will arrive around 6:10 PM EST and leave before 9:45 PM EST.
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Sep 3, 2004
Williamsburg, VA
Excerpts from the Virginia Gazette ( The Virginia Gazette - News - Obama here Thursday) provide more insight into the visit and conference:

"The White House confirmed that Barack Obama will attend the House Democratic Caucus retreat at Kingsmill this week. At a daily press briefing, White House press secretary Robert Gibbs told reporters that Obama would attend the event Thursday evening."

"He said it would not be an overnight trip, but an “out and back” excursion. The confined nature of the resort within the gated compound does not lend itself to any public stroll or meet-and-greet by the president, at least not spontaneously. "

"No motorcade is expected. A source told the Gazette Tuesday that Obama will fly into Newport News aboard Air Force 1, then presidential helicopter Marine 1 will deliver him to Kingsmill.

According to The Hill, a well-sourced politics blog in Washington, Vice President Joe Biden will also attend the retreat, apparently on Friday. For security purposes, Biden’s visit would be on a different day than Obama’s.

Security will be extraordinarily tight because with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi presiding at the retreat, the top two officials in the line of succession will be there at one time or another.

Obama is expected to be joined at Kingsmill by Gov. Tim Kaine, the newly named chairman of the Democratic National Committee.

According to The Hill, other Democratic governors and some Obama cabinet officials are expected to attend.

Kingsmill recently advised residents that the resort would be closed at the Kingsmill Road intersection with Mounts Bay Road Thursday through Saturday. Cross streets along Kingsmill Road will be blocked by police while limousines and congressional charter buses zoom by.

How much disruption Obama’s visit will create outside Kingsmill’s gates is unclear. When President George W. Bush visited the caucus in 2007, protesters lined Route 60 and Route 199 outside Kingsmill’s two entrances. A motorcade brought the president from Norfolk, where he landed aboard Air Force 1, the presidential jet.

Also in 2007, the Secret Service parked Marine 1 at Williamsburg-Jamestown Airport as a backup. The airport was used again a few months later when Bush spoke at Anniversary Weekend. There’s plenty of room for Marine 1 to land in a field near the resort, commonly used by August Busch III when he scrutinized brewery operations.

A source said hangars at the Williamsburg-Jamestown Airport were cleared out Tuesday afternoon to make room for Marine 1 and support helicopters, Tuesday morning an airport employee said no notifications had been issued by the Federal Aviation Administration for flight restrictions. Typically the airspace within a certain radius of the president is restricted in a moving circle as he proceeds.
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Sep 3, 2004
Williamsburg, VA
09:32 AM, I just observed a large Marine helicopter (marked like one of the Presidential Helicopter's) pass over College Creek (south of Williamsburg) heading toward the Williamsburg-James Airport. This observation supports the inform provided in the Virginia Gazette regarding the use of Williamsburg-Jamestown Airport. They are probably arriving for an advance detail. The UNICOM frequency for the Williamsburg-Jamestown Airport is 122.800 MHz.

Note: The helicopter was VERY loud...that's what drew my attention to it...the noise shook the house!

It looked like the newer version of Marine One as set forth in

I may try to go to Williamsburg/Jamestown airport to see if I can see it on the ground.

I have not heard any activity on any known U.S. Secret Service or U.S. Capital Police frequencies.
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Sep 3, 2004
Williamsburg, VA
12:30 PM....additional helicopter arriving at Williamsburg-Jamestown. Some encrypted conversations on U.S. Secret Service Presidential Detail frequency 164.8875 Mhz. I did not get a chance to see if it was analog or P-25.

12:40 PM...Three helicopter on the runway at Williamsburg-Jamestown Airport.


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Sep 3, 2004
Williamsburg, VA
4:10 PM U.S. Capital Police are are arriving in the area and are on 168.35 MHz encryption. They are discussing various places to eat in the Williamsburg area and how to find Walmart. One officer just cracked a joke that they named a pancake house after them...the CAPITOL Pancake House. The are operating on a simplex frequency and I can track their progress with a directional beam. Might have to hook up my DF equipment.

4:17 PM talking about the location of the train station.

4:19 PM now looking for a beverage store (they want some Landshark beer).

my comment: Obviously, you have to be ready for anything.

4:23 PM They are a little lost...blaming it on their GPS. One said they are getting the "grand tour" of Williamsburg.

4:28 PM entering the Mounts Bay gate to Kingsmill.
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Sep 3, 2004
Williamsburg, VA
Another NOTAMS....probably for Biden. Looks like he will arrive on Feb 6th between 07:40 AM and 8:40 AM at Langley Air Force Base, probably take a helo to and from Kingsmill, and then depart Langley Air Force Base between 10:40 and 11:35 AM

The geo-coordinates for airspace B (Latitude: 37º13'25"N, Longitude: 76º39'49"W) is a parking lot just N.W. of the Kingsmill Yacht Club.

Here is the map: 9/4273 NOTAM Image

Issue Date : February 04, 2009 at 1848 UTC
Location : Williamsburg, Virginia
Beginning Date and Time : February 06, 2009 at 1240 UTC
Ending Date and Time : February 06, 2009 at 1635 UTC
Reason for NOTAM : Temporary flight restrictions for VIP (Very Important Person) Movement
Type : VIP
Replaced NOTAM(s) : N/A
Jump To: Affected Areas
Operating Restrictions and Requirements
Other Information
Affected Area(s) Top
Area A
Airspace Definition:
Center: On the NORFOLK VORTAC (ORF) 333 degree radial at 13.3 nautical miles. (Latitude: 37º04'29"N, Longitude: 76º21'22"W)
Radius: 3 nautical miles
Altitude: From the surface up to but not including 3000 feet AGL
Effective Date(s):
From February 06, 2009 at 1240 UTC (February 06, 2009 at 0740 EST)
To February 06, 2009 at 1330 UTC (February 06, 2009 at 0830 EST)
Area B
Airspace Definition:
Center: On the HARCUM VORTAC (HCM) 177 degree radial at 13.7 nautical miles. (Latitude: 37º13'25"N, Longitude: 76º39'49"W)
Radius: 3 nautical miles
Altitude: From the surface up to but not including 3000 feet AGL
Effective Date(s):
From February 06, 2009 at 1325 UTC (February 06, 2009 at 0825 EST)
To February 06, 2009 at 1550 UTC (February 06, 2009 at 1050 EST)
Area C
Airspace Definition:
Center: On the NORFOLK VORTAC (ORF) 333 degree radial at 13.3 nautical miles. (Latitude: 37º04'29"N, Longitude: 76º21'22"W)
Radius: 3 nautical miles
Altitude: From the surface up to but not including 3000 feet AGL
Effective Date(s):
From February 06, 2009 at 1540 UTC (February 06, 2009 at 1040 EST)
To February 06, 2009 at 1635 UTC (February 06, 2009 at 1135 EST)
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Sep 3, 2004
Williamsburg, VA
More information on the arrival times and possible route of Obama:

According to the Daily Press: Obama visit might shut down I-64 today --

Obama visit might shut down I-64 today
If the president decides to use a motorcade instead of a helicopter, some drivers can expect delays.

By ASHLEY KELLY | 247-4778
5:38 AM EST, February 5, 2009

NEWPORT NEWS - You may feel the impact of President Barack Obama's visit today after all — while traveling home from work.

The president, who will speak at the House Democratic Caucus' issues conference at the Kingsmill Resort near Williamsburg, could travel to the retreat by motorcade on Interstate 64, according to state police.

Obama is scheduled to arrive at Newport News-Williamsburg International Airport around 5:30 p.m.

If there is a motorcade, Interstate 64 westbound will be shut down between 6:15 and 7:15 p.m. from the Jefferson Avenue exit to the Williamsburg exit at Rt. 199, according to state police Capt. Danny Plott. The closure is not expected to last more than 15 minutes.

And the travel plans aren't definite. An alternate route besides I-64 could be used, or the president could helicopter to and from Kingsmill, according to state police. This decision will be finalized by secret service at the airport.

After Obama's visit, police agencies have been instructed to shut down Interstate 64 eastbound at the same exits between 9:15 and 10:15 p.m. — if they decide to go with a motorcade.

There have already been sightings of Secret Service escorts along I-64, as numerous government officials make their way to the area.

It's all up to the president, Plott said.

"Each president does it differently," he said. "Some want pomp and circumstance others get in and get out."


Sep 3, 2004
Williamsburg, VA
12:00 PM USCG announcing on Marine Channel 21 A (157.100 MHz) that there is a security zone in the James River 1000 yds surrounding Latitude: 37º13'23"N, Longitude: 76º40'03"W. This location is the area of the Kingsmill Yacht Club. The times are from 6:00 AM on Feb 5th to 4:00 PM on Feb 7th. Any boat desiring passage should contact the Coast Guard Cutter Seahorse.
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Sep 3, 2004
Williamsburg, VA
12:10 PM James City County Special Events 1 (TG 1267) is now active. There are seven James City Fire Department Units monitoring the talkgroup (derived from Pro96com program).

12:39 PM There are now eight James City Fire Units monitoring TG 1267.

13:10 PM There are now eleven James City Fire Units on TG 1267. They just did a roll call.
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Sep 3, 2004
Williamsburg, VA
12:31 PM Williamsburg Police talking on Dispatch (TG 1178) about the staging of Greyhound buses at the Transportation Center (AMTRAK Station).

This arrangement is similar to last year when the Democrats arrived by train and were transported by bus to Kingsmill.

13:30 PM Williamsburg PD is moving "individuals" away from the area of the train station.
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Sep 3, 2004
Williamsburg, VA
13:40 PM James City County PD is active on TG 1102 (Traffic) for the bus escort from the train station to Kingsmill. Seven Units monitoring the TG.

13:45 PM on 160.230 MHz just head CSX Dispatcher advise the the VIP train is "heading you way"

14:00 PM Williamsburg PD and James City PD are taking positions to block intersections for the transition from the AMTRAK station to Kinsgmill.

14:07 PM Williamsburg PD just announced a 20 minute delay on arrival of the train.
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Sep 3, 2004
Williamsburg, VA
14:50 EST on 160.230MHz AMTRAK has announced the train(AMTRAK 71) has arrived. WPD just announced the same

13:03 EST Motorcade has started to Kingsmill.

Virginia State Police are on TG 50 (Tac) and setting up for what appears to be a motorcade for later this evening. They are assigning positions. It could be that Obama is going to take a motorcade from Newport News airport to Kingsmill when he arrives.
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Sep 3, 2004
Williamsburg, VA
Since the initial transmission on 168.375 MHz yesterday by the U.S. Capitol Police, I have not heard any additional traffic on the frequency. I have been scanning all known U.S. Capitol Police frequencies with no results. It is possible they are using a simplex frequency at low power and I cannot receive it. However, they might have switched to Nextels or some form of encryption (like spread spectrum).

They were involved in the escort of the buses to Kingmsill (heard it on WPD's TG), however, I did not receive any transmission.

I have received signals on 173.1875 MHz P-25 Encrypted. Although it is very strong, I do not know the source.
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