I have been listening to or apart of the Kokomo, Howard Co scanner ffor over 25 years, and i still cant believe how busy it is for a town our size. I had 145 listeners last night. I will keep it up as long as the scanner holds out.
As the previous feed provider for more than 6 years and through numerous feed solutions, I can share some insight as to why I quite. Honestly, it became a sense of entitlement for some. Any blip in the feed from computer failure, DSL problems, to officers not speaking into the mic correctly/loudly cause them to send nasty emails. It became worse when the premium subscriber model came into play. People emailed me about billing issues and all kinds of BS. I became pretty busy to put up with that stuff and when the premium subscription to RR got dropped as a perk, that really sealed the deal for me.
On the positive side, there are tons of listeners and I've recorded more than 1000 connected on busy days like during the random shootings. The Howard County Sheriff's Department also liked the feed and kept a link on their main page. I notified them I was going offline and suggested they remove the link. You might email them and let them know you are now hosting the feed.
Finally, I do own the domain scankokomo.com/twitter account/facebook page. If you have an interested, feel free to PM me if you would like to take those over. I am not looking payment much above some costs for the domain. It does make finding the feed easy.
Last, I don't know if you ever saw this in the local newspaper -
http://forums.radioreference.com/st...932-newspaper-article-my-scanner-website.html (There was some butchering in the article though.)