I am new to scanning, and this forum. This is my first post. I have just purchased a Uniden BC125AT scanner. When I turn it on, it flashes the firmware version, which is 1.06.06. How do I find out if this is the latest version?
-I am new to scanning, and this forum. This is my first post. I have just purchased a Uniden BC125AT scanner. When I turn it on, it flashes the firmware version, which is 1.06.06. How do I find out if this is the latest version?
I just got a second BC125AT this past week with 1.06.06. The one I have owned for a while has 1.06.05 on it.
I am guessing that 1.06.06 is needed for some new hardware chip in the latest version. I strongly recommend that you don’t try to go backward to 1.06.05, it is likely to brick your scanner.
While I agree it shouldn’t, there are several threads from a year ago when folks updated to a new version and then went back to an older version on a new BC125AT and it bricked the scanner. That is talked about in the above quote WiKi article about not going back to old versions. Apparently it will go back to any old version with no warning messages.
The issue are with channels that the scan process checks and skips and the SQ could then open making a ticking sound for each empty channel during scan? That last digit in the version # are for cosmetic changes so it actually doesn't make a difference under normal use?It addresses an issue with open squelch on non-programmed channels.