Perhaps I can shed some light on the radio use at LLNL. I used to be a supervisor in Plant Engineering. The Wahoo units you hear are mobile units, mainly hand held. Mechanics, Techs and Electricians out in the field. The Whiskey units are the base stations, Wahoo units are dispatched by the Whiskey units. I was one of the Whiskey units for many years. I doubt you will hear Sierra Base, that is security and is encripted at the Livermore site. Mike is site 300 security, also should be encripted. You may hear Xray1 at site 300, that is maintenance mechanic responding to alarms. Lab Fire calls themselves Lab Fire. Hazards Control uses that frequency also.
I thought LBL was run by UC Berkeley, not DOE.
LBL is operated by UC Berkeley under contract to DOE. DOE owns the facility and contracts with UC to operate the facility. LLNL used to be operated by UC also, however after over 50 years as the contractor UC was replaced by a private LLC called Lawrence Livermore National Security (LLNS) in 2007.
I thought LBL was run by UC Berkeley, not DOE.
LBL is operated by UC Berkeley under contract to DOE. DOE owns the facility and contracts with UC to operate the facility. LLNL used to be operated by UC also, however after over 50 years as the contractor UC was replaced by a private LLC called Lawrence Livermore National Security (LLNS) in 2007.