WS1080: Legacy WS-1080 (clone of course) SD card problem when USB buss went south


Jul 26, 2016
Central South Carolina

:( While I was downloading/installing the new library, the internal PC card reader crapped. I was using an external card reader (because the internal one was under the desk in the PC) and all of a sudden the update failed. Upon retrying, the card was not recognized. I first had to remove the internal card reader since ALL the USB was not responding (and the PC went rrrreeeaaalll slow). Hard shutdown was the only fix to the slow PC, but every time I tried to get the SD card to 'listen' in the USB buss, it would not. The card formatted OK in 'SD card formatter' (quick and full) but whistler EZ-Scan would not 'Prepare card for use' because the 'format' would not happen within the program. :(

:eek: How do I load all the files if EZ-Scan will not let the card format? Does anyone have the standard filed the SD card needs,? I thought I had saved the files BUT upon opening the 'legacy' upgrade folder in my other drive, I realized I did not copy the SD card (like I did with the PRO-668, backed up many moons ago). :eek:

:confused: I would LIKE to see if the restoration of the files on the SD card will allow the scanner to work until I get a backup SD card (you know, get the firmware and such to see if the scanner will work with the card), but I am not sure it'll work. I did not have the scanner hooked up to the PC when this happened so I do not think the scanner got damaged when the buss went haywire. :confused:

:cautious: Can anyone help me with the files, and the order I should follow to MAYBE get the scanner back up and running? If so, I would appreciate the help (and believe me, it'll really help). Thank you in advance, for any assistance possible. :cautious:

George (CycleSycho)



Well Known Member
Feb 10, 2019
Baltimore County, MD
If it were an electronic failure of the card reader, it could have damaged the card. Did you try a new SD card? Prepare Scanner Memory/SD Card for Use should put the necessary files on the card. Is the SD card back in the scanner? The scanner must be off when programming. Try holding the MENU button while plugging in the cable.
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Oct 10, 2014
When you tried to format the SD card using Ezscan, what was the error the program displayed? Was the order of format: 1) ezscan then 2) SD Formatter? That is what it sounds like you did but its good info to confirm.


Premium Subscriber
Feb 18, 2016
Get a new card (SANDISK Class 4, 4,8 or 16gb), a new card reader and use ezscan prepare card and everything you need will be put on the card.


Jul 26, 2016
Central South Carolina

:unsure: OK, here is what happened (I cannot remember what it was saying when I tried to 'format' in EZ-Scan, my memory is sketchy at best). I tried to do the reload of everything through the 'prepare memory card xx but it failed the format part before it would load the configurations. This went on for a few tries, I then used windows to format the card and it ran fine. I then retried the whistler program and again it failed the format portion. This happened a few more times even after using the SD card formatter program, all the EXTERNAL tools said the card was OK. I mention this because I tried to get the card to update IN the scanner using EZ-Scan. It came up with loading one of the items I believe (memory again), the DSP update (I remembered tvenger mentioning the menu/pwr button, two items were there ver. F2.0 and ver. U4.8 (so whatever is left in the update list besides these two and the library, is the one thing it took). After that loaded, I tried to load the library and IT WORKED. So, I tried entering the scanner, it asked for the band plan and other stuff, so it is almost there? :unsure:

:cautious: I have left it from there because I was very tired (from too many other projects, a result of my health issues, and a lack of sleep due to too many things going on for too long). Right now, I think I need to reload a file that tvengr created for me, to see if it'll get the scanner back to normal operation. I hope this will get me back onto the scanner working because it is a sort of therapy for me. :cautious:

:) I truly wish to thank you three for replying, and to apologize for not returning sooner. As of right now, I have decided I need to work on this for a few and reload that file. I got this far (a hint from the reply from tvenger) with the checking for updates (before this worked the card was always in a card reader), so I tried the 'all updates' as a last resort in the scanner. When that worked, I tried a library update again, the library loaded fine. :)

:) I seem to remember after getting the scanner back from Whistler (didn't remember this until after the one update worked and the library then updated with the card in the scanner), that the 'prepare the scanner memory/sd card for use' had some quirky results but it is only a fleeting memory so I cannot be 100% sure. This SD card IS the original one when the 668 was purchased, I have no other and the ones I found online were too costly for me. :)

:) Let me get to loading that file that was graciously created by tvengr (when I find it on this 3 HDD PC I built many years ago), and I'll report back here soon as I can get it and see if it'll work, OK? Thanks again tvengr, TAbirdman, and Wackyracer for the help you have offered.

;) I'll be back! ;)



Jul 26, 2016
Central South Carolina
Thanks for the warning! :) The Windows formatter doesn't always work. Here is the one you should use: SD Memory Card Formatter for Windows/Mac | SD Association The formatter should always be used first before using EZ-Scan to Prepare Scanner Memory/SD Card for Use. Please keep us updated with your progress.

:) Hi, Just got back to the forum. IT WORKS again! FYI the win 10 format did work (it formatted the card), and I also used the "SD card formatter" it also worked. After repeated back and forth of both windows and SD formatter, EZ-Scan format failures occurred so it would not go to the next two blocks above the format selection (which I believe would have restored the scanner after the format, right?). I believe the EZ-Scan format (for some reason), doesn't work with my scanner/PC. I loaded the SC 2a file and I made sure the steps were taken carefully. :)

(y) So, the scanner is back online with the agencies I wanted to monitor. Again, you helped and your file came to my rescue. I thank you and the other two who posted! (y)

:) I'll check for a SanDisk 2 or maybe 4 GB card for the next foreseeable future, but they seem to be in high demand and the market places a premium on the price. That will be my backup, as I can pull the card from the scanner and copy the files to the card I get as a backup (I think it works that way?). :)

:sleep: Time for some rest, am running on empty again... Will check back in a few hours.... :sleep:



Premium Subscriber
Dec 20, 2006
Peru, MA
I experienced something similar a couple of weeks ago while doing updates with EZ-Scan. I removed the micro-sd card from the scanner and plugged it into an adapater, then plugged the adapter into the computer SD card slot. At some point, my fat fingers accidentally moved the "write-protect" switch on the side of the adapter to the write-protect position. After about an hour of monkeying around with it and on the verge of going to town to buy another micro-SD card. I figured out my mistake. After taking it off of "write-protect", it worked like a champ! Talk about feeling like an idiot!


Jul 26, 2016
Central South Carolina
Yes, those write protect switches on the adapters work very well. We've all done that. You're in good company here with a lot of "idiots." Welcome to the family!
I experienced something similar a couple of weeks ago while doing updates with EZ-Scan. I removed the micro-sd card from the scanner and plugged it into an adapater, then plugged the adapter into the computer SD card slot. At some point, my fat fingers accidentally moved the "write-protect" switch on the side of the adapter to the write-protect position. After about an hour of monkeying around with it and on the verge of going to town to buy another micro-SD card. I figured out my mistake. After taking it off of "write-protect", it worked like a champ! Talk about feeling like an idiot!

:) Yeah, some of them do slip into 'lock' when pushed in crooked BUT I check them every time (after it happened to me once before). I always wondered if they got 'locked' in the micro SD cards? Reason I wonder, there are 9 contacts on the regular SD cards and reader for the micro SD cards BUT only 8 contacts on the micro SD cards. Does anyone know why? :)



Premium Subscriber
Dec 20, 2006
Peru, MA

:) Yeah, some of them do slip into 'lock' when pushed in crooked BUT I check them every time (after it happened to me once before). I always wondered if they got 'locked' in the micro SD cards? Reason I wonder, there are 9 contacts on the regular SD cards and reader for the micro SD cards BUT only 8 contacts on the micro SD cards. Does anyone know why? :)

The SD card has 2 - VSS ports, VSS1 is on pin 3 while VSS2 is on pin 6. The microSD card only has one VSS port, simply named "VSS" which is on pin 6 of the microSD card. I have no idea why 2 VSS ports on the SD card and only 1 VSS port on the microSD card. I didn't dig that deeply into it.


Jul 26, 2016
Central South Carolina
The SD card has 2 - VSS ports, VSS1 is on pin 3 while VSS2 is on pin 6. The microSD card only has one VSS port, simply named "VSS" which is on pin 6 of the microSD card. I have no idea why 2 VSS ports on the SD card and only 1 VSS port on the microSD card. I didn't dig that deeply into it.

:) Hey Thank you jonsmth! Appreciate the reply, and the information. :)
