Live PD

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May 30, 2003
West Haven, CT
Just wanted to put this out there. I talked to one of the people who was covering the story on how the Mayor dropped Live PD and while some thought it may have been related to a call in which a small child had passed on, we found some references where people were complaining that people were tuning in to a TV show on Friday nights and the citys crime was being featured. There were 2 separate complaints. One on page 2 and the other on page 14. The page 14 section states that TV was featuring people at their worst point in life. I don't want to seem insensitive but if Police, Fire or EMS are at your home, chances are they aren't there to pass out candy and party hats. The city had to know what they were getting into from the beginning. I am including a link here if anyone wants to read it. What I do find funny is the commercials for Live PD's new season which starts I think 1/6 and features Bpt in the commercials prominently


Jul 15, 2008
Not everyone will support the police for the job they do. After chasing them over a period of 30 or 40 years and seeing the kind of work the Bridgeport Police do and what they must deal with, "I sure give them my support". I don't know how they can do that job. "I know I couldn't do it".

Well with that said, maybe here is a good reason why the Bridgeport Police Live has been removed. Just listen to the comments made by this woman as she films this program from her television during the show which aired on Nov 11, 2016.

Although the perp tried to run the cops over, she's not too happy that the cops fired their guns in order to maybe save their life. Of course she comments on other things she finds wrong with the Bridgeport Police as well.

My thoughts are that if those Bridgeport Cops walked off the job for only one hour, I think she just might beg for them to come back. If not for those cops, she probably wouldn't even have that television she's watching. Somebody would have walked off with it.

Watch, but listen to her remarks. Nicknamed "The Park City of Connecticut", it seems to have lost some of that charm it once had.


May 30, 2003
West Haven, CT
Willie you hit the nail right on the head. If the police department wasn't there for even an hour the city would erupt into chaos. People need to realize that when the police fire or EMS are called to a scene it is not to hand out ice cream and bon bons people are usually in a crisis. That can range from a domestic dispute which by the way is one of the most dangerous calls anybody could go on to a fully involved building fire 2A shooting to a full-blown homicide and god-knows-what-else what I am trying to say is what did the city think they were going to show. Bridgeport has crime live PD is a crime show did I miss something in the translation? You worked the job so did I so did firebuff and a few others on this list. We know what it's all about but to the General Public some may find it exciting while some may find it distressing fact is those who work Public Safety see it for what it is a job and that you are trying to make the world a better place through that job. I think that the show did an excellent job of not just showing what's out there but it humanities the officers it watched. Especially these days when the police are getting nothing but flat about everything but hey that's just my opinion. The show is going to come back in a couple of days with new episodes unfortunately Bridgeport will not be one of the apartments being covered and that is a shame because they could have actually used it as a marketing tool


Jan 25, 2003
Somewhere On Earth
Doomed from the start.

I believe that the issue with Live PD. as it pertains to Bpt. was mishandled right from the start. The moment the city was approached about doing this show, there should have been public notification with details and public opinion sought from city residents BEFORE any approval was given or any decision made. Unfortunately, the powers that be, took it upon themselves to authorize the show and now public outcry or complaint caused it's demise. Regardless of where everyone stands on this issue, the matter was mishandled by top city officials right from the start. Bpt. city government has always had, and STILL has major issues. Just look at the shameful disaster they call the Board Of Education. Not one meeting without a shouting match or issue and that's just the members themselves. These are the people making decisions over kid's education matters. Terrible. Why should we expect the rest of city government to be any better? Just my$.02 worth.

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