Setting load83.exe compatibility mode fixed it for me.
I've used load83 with Windows XP Pro, 2000, and 98 and the first time I have ever gotten this error message was tonight. I haven't used the software for a while so I'm guessing that possibly a windows update has changed something.
Here's a workaround that works for me. I'm assuming you're using Windows.
-Open Windows Explorer and go to the directory with load83
-Right click on load83.exe and select "Properties"
-Select the "Compatibility" tab
-Check the box "Run this program in compatibility mode for:"
-Select "Windows 98 / Windows ME" in the drop down menu below the box
-Select "OK"
I was able to cause the error you're getting every time I turned off the compatibility mode. It seems to work fine with either Windows 98 or Windows 95 selected. I've never had this problem before and was going to help you troubleshoot your problem and discovered that it's MY (new) problem too!
Once you're running okay the next problem you might see is error messages on the scanner display. The load83 user manual PDF tells how to fix that problem using "-d" to add a time delay and slow the transfer rate to the scanner. I always have to use this switch.
Good luck. Let me know if you're still having trouble.