An update to my situation. I have been involved in discussions with the Deputy Chief and Public Information Officer. My stance is to NOT fight the police on this, but rather embrace their concern. I am grateful that they approached me with their concerns as opposed to just flipping the switch to encrypt the entire network. They are already using P25 and have 1 encrypted channel that is used primary for tactical situations. Encrypting the other channels would be a breeze.
With that said, our days on Radio Reference/ Broadcastify are numbered. I either need to find a service that allows AT LEAST a 5 minute delay, or I host the feeds privately and make the feed password protected and available to a select few people. If we cannot delay the audio within the next couple weeks, and we continue to feed via Radio Reference/ Broadcastify, PD will encrypt. In all honestly, I don't blame them for this ultimatum. If there is anyone that I am upset with, its the rule makers here, on RR. Adding a delay OPTION is a no brainer. Make it an option. The feeds that are used by First Responders would still have the option to feed live. The feeds that risk being removed for the same reasons I face, would have the option to delay, thus providing the feed providers with a viable compromise to their respective agencies.