As to how to setup your scanner for Valdosta, you'll likely get a million, here's mine:
I have the PSR-500 and use it while traveling. For me, I set the "5" bank as the central location. If I drive north, I add/switch to "2," etc. However, if you mostly listen to one city/county, I'd separate the agencies: Sheriff in one bank, City Police in another, County Fire, City Fire, other Public Safety, State of Georgia, airport, railroad, etc. Each into a separate bank with a name. My preference is Fire, so County Fire is bank 1, City Fire is 2, EMS is 3, etc.
The best for programming that scanner is WIN-500 and a subscription to RadioReference ($30/year). With both, you will be able to quickly and accurately program your new scanner. In minutes, you could be listening to your favorite agency. Try WIN-500 before you buy it. I like it, but have used various Starrsoft products over the years. That program makes sense to me, but maybe you like another program. The end product is the get your scanner programmed quickly and to YOUR liking.
I don't have a recent Valdosta WIN500 file, but others on this thread may be able to help...
Enjoy the scanner!!! I use the flashing LEDs and various beeps to alert me to different agencies and talkgroups.