I have an sds100 and bcd496hp. The sds100 receives all talkgroups on Lubbock city-county mutual radio system. The bcd496hp receives absolutely nothing at all. Both were loaded using zip services. The bcd496 advertises p25 tdma reception but doesn’t. What could be wrong? Ps the bcd496hp receives p25 systems like Texas Tech univ. I can’t see why one would work and the other doesn’t when both systems were loaded at same time and place. Ideas? Very frustrated with BCD m486hp.
The Texas Tech
system only has a single site. So you should have no issues with either scanner.
Lubbock City-County system, on the other hand, is simulcast.

The same talkgroup, using the same frequency, is transmitted simultaneously from multiple locations. While the time differentials, for those signals to arrive at your scanner, is small, it is enough of a difference that scanners other than the SDS series cannot reliably receive the system. If you were parked very near one of the transmit towers (like a quarter mile or less), that strong signal might override the out of sync signals from other towers. But that's not the case when you are moving around the area.
See this article in the Wiki for more on how Simulcast impacts your ability to monitor a single system.
Simulcast digital distortion - The RadioReference Wiki
The SDS scanners, as well as the Unication pagers and the Blue Tail receiver, can deal with simulcast systems. For scanners other than these, you'll see varying problems, from no reception at all, to missing some calls, or garbled audio,