Can you hear me now?
Many old time RR members will remember that doing this sort of thing is THE reason Livonia went encrypted. Somebody posted video and scanner feed of some sort of incident. The very next week, Livonia came out and said they are going to encrypt, and said that the posted video is the reason.
Notice the pictures and videos people take of accidents while driving that are posted on his FaceBook page. I used to make comments about that and now I can no longer comment on his page. From what I was told, the Macomb County Sheriff Department was looking into the pictures and videos that people were taking while driving and posting them on Macomb County Scanner. The evidence is right there - you're gonna record a short video of an accident while driving (distracted driving) then post it on FaceBook? Brilliant. Yeah, cause another accident because you're recording a previous accident with your phone while driving. Not too bright.
Many old time RR members will remember that doing this sort of thing is THE reason Livonia went encrypted. Somebody posted video and scanner feed of some sort of incident. The very next week, Livonia came out and said they are going to encrypt, and said that the posted video is the reason.