Manchester Fire Department


Premium Subscriber
Dec 13, 2000
As of 7/1/2023, the Manchester 8th Utilities District merged with the Manchester Fire Department. Media indications are that the radio channels used will be the existing Manchester FD ones and the 8th Utilities will be shut off.

From 8th Utilities Facebook page:
"You may have noticed that we have already begun the process of integrating operations to make the merger on July 1st as easy as possible. As I write this letter, our radio frequencies have gone silent and all operations have moved to Fire Alarm. This change allows for more efficient and effective communications, and will give us a chance to work out any potential issues prior to the full merger. Additionally, the 8th District as a geographic response area has been changed to areas 6 and 7 to better integrate responses to emergencies throughout the town. For the first time ever, District apparatus and town apparatus are being utilized as if we are one department. June 1st is another first in history as Engine 6 will be staffed by a town Fire Lieutenant, and 2 District Firefighters until July 1st when our employees officially become Town of Manchester employees. This change will bring a Paramedic into the former District firehouse for the first time in history. Station 7 will close for much needed renovations that include a station alerting system and the addition of separated private bunks in the bunkroom. On September 1st Station 7 will reopen as a Paramedic Engine Company. The department will remain relatively unchanged from September until March of 2024 when we will be at full staffing levels!"

If anyone can confirm the radio info, please post.