Is Billings Police encrypted?
I wish Montana's Forum was a busy as Colorado's or Michigan's, Only less than a handfull of users per Montana's "big" cities. Enjoy the conventional radio traffic while you can.
I wish Montana's Forum was a busy as Colorado's or Michigan's, Only less than a handfull of users per Montana's "big" cities. Enjoy the conventional radio traffic while you can.
Hi all, I don't know if I can expect a reply soon as this is not a super frequented thread, Last year at a different house I was able to pickup most of the sherriff and police and medical transmissions in missoula, I just plugged my scanner in again and can't seem to pick anything up. I'm wondering if this is because Missoula's Frequencies changed or are trunked now, maybe my new house is a dead zone, or if my scanner is malfunctioning. We still should be able to pickup these signals right? I havent been able to find any info on it.
Bozeman is still conventional VHF. On 2.10.11. I spotted 2 pickup trucks w/Colorado plates leaving the "in city" watertower site. One of the trucks had a snowmobile/atv in tow. Maybe online this summer or later??
Logged tg 71 labeled Havre on my 396 in Bozeman at 3:16pm 3/17/11 for a .10 sec. Sorry didn't have the recorder on. It's not listed in the database, just FYI
Hi guys,
Us neighbors to the north of you in Alberta just pulled the trigger on a 700MHz P25 system. Construction begins as soon as the builder (Harris) can get staff out to work on it. We are having some discussions on whether or not trunking in the mountains - on 700 or VHF or at all - will work. There's some indication that MT's system (does it have a snappy acronym or what do you call it?) has some deployments in mountainous areas that work just fine. Anyone got any input on this?