KKI 2845
Will I be able to monitor the new system if I purchase a Phase 11 scanner?
100%. Just only police dispatch is in the clear so no police tactical
SAT, SOD, detectives? All those are now absent from the filled-in portions of the new system.Does anybody have an idea of what or who these new talkgroups I am logging on the new MoCo (P25) system belong to?
I think many might be MCPD TAC channels since a lot of them are encrypted. Some look like they would fit in other category listings: 4820; 4830; 4835; 4955; 6055; 6180; 6210; 6245; 6255; 6290; 6295; 6315; 6320; 6230; 6340 6495; 6550; 6605; 6640; 6725; 6730; 6755; 7366 (as of 3/13/2021)