• To anyone looking to acquire commercial radio programming software:

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    If you are having trouble legally obtaining software please state so. We do not want any hurt feelings when your vague post is mistaken for a free request. It is YOUR responsibility to properly word your request.

    To obtain Motorola software see the Sticky in the Motorola forum.

    The various other vendors often permit their dealers to sell the software online (i.e., Kenwood). Please use Google or some other search engine to find a dealer that sells the software. Typically each series or individual radio requires its own software package. Often the Kenwood software is less than $100 so don't be a cheapskate; just purchase it.

    For M/A Com/Harris/GE, etc: there are two software packages that program all current and past radios. One package is for conventional programming and the other for trunked programming. The trunked package is in upwards of $2,500. The conventional package is more reasonable though is still several hundred dollars. The benefit is you do not need multiple versions for each radio (unlike Motorola).

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Motorola 7500E console THIRD PARTY peripherals


Sep 11, 2024
I have a county full of Motorola 7500E consoles. These are a pretty standard setup: console, AIM, CRYPTR, moto speakers, moto desk mic, Plantronics headsets.

I am trying to simplify the system down and remove the AIM entirely. They advertise that you can use third party equipment, and I am eliminating much of the motorola stuff, replacing it with off the shelf equipment.

So far I have removed the AIM and replaced:

Motorola speakers -> regular computer speakers -- works
Motorola desk mic -> usb desk mic -- works
Motorola desk PTT (on mic) -> USB ptt (custom made) -- works
Motorola footswitch -> custom usb footswitch -- works
Motorola headset -> Bluetooth headset --speaker works, mic does not
Motorola headset PTT -> custom bluetooth PTT -- works as footswitch, but not wireless PTT

Has anyone had success in creating a wireless PTT? Or in using third party equipment at all?


Oct 15, 2012
Good to know, as the system that I administer is still using Voice Processing Modules (VPM's) that soon will no longer be supported. Right now, every console is the standard VPM based MCC7500, but that support carrot has been dangled, go MCC7500e to continue to get Motorola "Support".....which just means some internal technicians have to be dedicated to maintaining them, with advanced replacement of components if (when) needed.

The biggest trouble in my case are the HP Z2 Mini PC fans that keep burning out. Then speakers and gooseneck mics end users keep throwing out, not realizing how much they cost, or how they are tested to work with the rest of the dispatch console system.

Thank you for sharing what you have found with the "e" version.


Millennial Graying OBT Guy
Jun 16, 2013
I seem to remember end of sale date for the MCC7500e has already been announced and is currently ~2 years out with a reduced support life too boot.


Sep 11, 2024
Good to know, as the system that I administer is still using Voice Processing Modules (VPM's) that soon will no longer be supported. Right now, every console is the standard VPM based MCC7500, but that support carrot has been dangled, go MCC7500e to continue to get Motorola "Support".....which just means some internal technicians have to be dedicated to maintaining them, with advanced replacement of components if (when) needed.

The biggest trouble in my case are the HP Z2 Mini PC fans that keep burning out. Then speakers and gooseneck mics end users keep throwing out, not realizing how much they cost, or how they are tested to work with the rest of the dispatch console system.

Thank you for sharing what you have found with the "e" version.

The VPM is better. Side by side the only difference is that the 7500E supports less types of encryption. Also, with the VPM you don't need to migrate license files when swapping out a console.

Yeah, the fans suck. Order some spares and hot swap as needed. As far as the speakers and mic, the Z2 mini has a headphone jack on the side. Losing the usb speakers and popping on regular computer speakers eliminates MANY of the issues. It also frees up 2 USB ports. You lose the volume knobs on each speaker, but Elite dispatch has persistent volume settings for each talkgroup with separate settings for selected or not.

The mic can be replaced with an off the shelf USB model, you just lose the PTT being directly on the mic. You can replace the PTT with a standalone using a raspberry pi zero and a push button for about $10.


Oct 15, 2012
Thank you. Prepping for when we either stand up a new site and must lose the VPM, or as console hardware needs to be replaced. Luckily, with the fan issue, we do have some spares, which has been helpful (instead of awaiting advanced replacement....easier to swap hard drives or fans rather than reconfigure or be down a console).
The VPM is better. Side by side the only difference is that the 7500E supports less types of encryption. Also, with the VPM you don't need to migrate license files when swapping out a console.

Yeah, the fans suck. Order some spares and hot swap as needed. As far as the speakers and mic, the Z2 mini has a headphone jack on the side. Losing the usb speakers and popping on regular computer speakers eliminates MANY of the issues. It also frees up 2 USB ports. You lose the volume knobs on each speaker, but Elite dispatch has persistent volume settings for each talkgroup with separate settings for selected or not.

The mic can be replaced with an off the shelf USB model, you just lose the PTT being directly on the mic. You can replace the PTT with a standalone using a raspberry pi zero and a push button for about $10.


Feed Provider
Jul 29, 2012
East of the Mississippi
Id be hesitant on using off the shelf stuff on a 7500e, especially if this stuff is under any type of suport contract or SUA. If this is a public safety dispatch site I wouldn't take that liability. The stuff for the 7500e isn't cheap but there are reasons its supported. JMHO


Sep 11, 2024
This is being done on a test console until it's proven reliable. Not in the field on live.

My biggest issue is figuring out what signal the AIM is giving the console for PTT. I have the footswitch working through USB, but the signal I figured out for headset isn't working even though it's the same as what the AIM does.