Here is something I came up with for my Pro-197 and Pro-163 Scanners. I have a separate Wilson 800 MHZ omni Base Antenna and a RS 20-176 Omni Base for VHF UHF I found that Intercept SD1P1000A Satellite Diplexer works very well I connect the RS Omni to the 5-805 MHZ input and the Wilson 800 Mhz Omni to the 950-2150 MHZ 860 Mhz signals work very well on the 950 input. I bring the output of the splitter to the input of the RS FM Trap and output from the fm trap into a RF Communications CDAL 84N CATV 8db 4 port Drop amplifier and I have the scanners connected to 2 of the outputs and have the other 2 outputs terminated. The only cost I have in the setup is the FM Trap and the little 75 ohm double connector, The Diplexer and the CDAL 84N and all the coax jumpers was free Found it in Cable Ones dumpster. Here are some pics of the setup.