I just want to share that I have had a significant improvement of reception and clarity of the BRICS P25 system, with my BCD396XT with a Stubby antenna. The shorter the better. It has drastically reduced the Multipath and simulcast issues i was previously experiencing. I have two of the stubbys , both are availible in BNC and SMA connectors and purchased from R and L electronics in hamilton. One is the Diamond SRH805S antenna and the other is a maldol AS-25. My understanding is that the butler county system is a simulcast system with 14 towers. The reciever in the scanner has to pick which of the 14 towers is the strongest signal, switching between towers several times a second, the user hears a Pixelated signal, I dont know the specifics but if you use a smaller , antenna then your scanner will recieve only the strongest singals and not have to work so hard to determine the stongest signal. I know this is a common problem with p25 simulcast systems. I just wanted to share my experience with the group. i have owned RS pro-106 , GRE psr-500 and now the BCD396XT and have had similar preformance from each. A $17.95 solution. 73's KD8GUU
With a simulcast system, your scanner more than likely has to determine the strengths of mulitple towers, if your using an antenna that has gain, then your scanner has to work harder to determine which tower is the strongest. If your using a stubby antenna ( racing antenna) then your scanner may only hear one or two towers and it will not have to work as hard.
End results : Much better Decoding and a Much less pixelated signal.
With a simulcast system, your scanner more than likely has to determine the strengths of mulitple towers, if your using an antenna that has gain, then your scanner has to work harder to determine which tower is the strongest. If your using a stubby antenna ( racing antenna) then your scanner may only hear one or two towers and it will not have to work as hard.
End results : Much better Decoding and a Much less pixelated signal.