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    If you are having trouble legally obtaining software please state so. We do not want any hurt feelings when your vague post is mistaken for a free request. It is YOUR responsibility to properly word your request.

    To obtain Motorola software see the Sticky in the Motorola forum.

    The various other vendors often permit their dealers to sell the software online (i.e., Kenwood). Please use Google or some other search engine to find a dealer that sells the software. Typically each series or individual radio requires its own software package. Often the Kenwood software is less than $100 so don't be a cheapskate; just purchase it.

    For M/A Com/Harris/GE, etc: there are two software packages that program all current and past radios. One package is for conventional programming and the other for trunked programming. The trunked package is in upwards of $2,500. The conventional package is more reasonable though is still several hundred dollars. The benefit is you do not need multiple versions for each radio (unlike Motorola).

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Multiple 2 tone decoding

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Feb 28, 2014
I knew that was the issue were talking about I just didn't know if the same issue was happening on a 7/800 trunk system. The 7/800 truck system I listen to for my mutual aid company doesn't set there tone over the trunk system


Premium Subscriber
May 6, 2017
Springfield, Ohio
I knew that was the issue were talking about I just didn't know if the same issue was happening on a 7/800 trunk system. The 7/800 truck system I listen to for my mutual aid company doesn't set there tone over the trunk system

Sorry yes my department sets tones over 7/800 Trunked P25 Channel.

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Former Unication Tech Support
Unication Representative
Jun 8, 2016
Raceland, KY
Guys, keep in mind that if you are using the Delay N timer on P25 the unit will only alert on the first set of tones it receives once the Delay N has activated the unit only cares about receiving the voice traffic so if subsequent tones are sent during this time the unit will not decode them. Without looking at the file I cannot effectively diagnose the issue but this may play a part if utilized.


Premium Subscriber
May 6, 2017
Springfield, Ohio
Guys, keep in mind that if you are using the Delay N timer on P25 the unit will only alert on the first set of tones it receives once the Delay N has activated the unit only cares about receiving the voice traffic so if subsequent tones are sent during this time the unit will not decode them. Without looking at the file I cannot effectively diagnose the issue but this may play a part if utilized.

I’m pretty sure I’ve tried it and it only alerted on the first set. Is that for trunking or both David?

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Former Unication Tech Support
Unication Representative
Jun 8, 2016
Raceland, KY
I’m pretty sure I’ve tried it and it only alerted on the first set. Is that for trunking or both David?

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Just Trunking. Send me your file via email and I will take a look at it to see if I can help. If you could provide your Firmware and PPS info that would be helpful as well.


Feb 28, 2014
So I've looked at my programming again and I have all my p25 channels set to selective call manual reset with delay n fuction off. On the channels I want just selective call alternative is disabled with all alert tones checked, on the channel I want to listen to the whole county alternative is enabled with alert tones checked. My talkgroup has alert tone set with the chirp tone. I still only get 1 alert tone to activate. When my dept is toned out we have 2 alert tone. The first one sets the pager off the 2nd sets the siren off. My minitor 6 will alert on both tones but the g5 wont. If I have the g5 on the analog channel it will alert both tones. For my p25 protocol parameters my minium short tone duration is 1000ms, my long tone duration is 5000ms, my minium gap between two digital is 500ms. The gap between two digital says on the right side of screen that it's the minium gap to determine two separate digital tone address in milliseconds. That sound like to me the gap between 2 sets on tones. My county dispatcher says there's a zero digital gap when the tones are sent on the trunk system. Could this be my problem as the g5 is looking for a 500ms gap between the tones.


Feb 28, 2014
Also my g5 has firmware version v1.10 and my pps is the latest version also


Premium Subscriber
May 6, 2017
Springfield, Ohio
So I've looked at my programming again and I have all my p25 channels set to selective call manual reset with delay n fuction off. On the channels I want just selective call alternative is disabled with all alert tones checked, on the channel I want to listen to the whole county alternative is enabled with alert tones checked. My talkgroup has alert tone set with the chirp tone. I still only get 1 alert tone to activate. When my dept is toned out we have 2 alert tone. The first one sets the pager off the 2nd sets the siren off. My minitor 6 will alert on both tones but the g5 wont. If I have the g5 on the analog channel it will alert both tones. For my p25 protocol parameters my minium short tone duration is 1000ms, my long tone duration is 5000ms, my minium gap between two digital is 500ms. The gap between two digital says on the right side of screen that it's the minium gap to determine two separate digital tone address in milliseconds. That sound like to me the gap between 2 sets on tones. My county dispatcher says there's a zero digital gap when the tones are sent on the trunk system. Could this be my problem as the g5 is looking for a 500ms gap between the tones.

Try putting your mode on Auto Reset. It seems to have been working on my pager that way. Auto Reset with Delay N Off


Feb 28, 2014
I will give that a try. What do you have your auto reset timer set to


Feb 28, 2014
Still not having any luck getting 2 two tone to activate on my pager. Had 3 calls yesterday and only the first tone set the pager off. It would be nice if we could set the minimum digit gap in protocol parameters to zero rather than 500ms. The pager doesn't even follow the vehicle I'd unless there is a gap between the radio transmissions not that that's a big deal but it not being able to activate 2 two tones kinda is.


Premium Subscriber
May 6, 2017
Springfield, Ohio
Still not having any luck getting 2 two tone to activate on my pager. Had 3 calls yesterday and only the first tone set the pager off. It would be nice if we could set the minimum digit gap in protocol parameters to zero rather than 500ms. The pager doesn't even follow the vehicle I'd unless there is a gap between the radio transmissions not that that's a big deal but it not being able to activate 2 two tones kinda is.

Can I see your programming? Just too see if there’s anything I can tweak to help? Mine has seemed to be working well now. Tyler-Franklin@outlook.com

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Feb 28, 2014
Sure.I'm not near my computer now but I will try sending it later this afternoon or tomarrow morning.
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