The Rutherford County Public Saftey Committee and Rutherford County Commission has approved EMA to move forward with a $16 million plan to expand the Murfreesboro TRS with the addition of 7 sites on top of the existing 4 to provide 95% portable radio coverage across the county. This will move all Fire, EMS, SO, and County Schools operations to the expanded TRS along with all Murfreesboro City operations.
Further, Murfreesboro and Rutherford County have entered into the initial planning phase to consolidate all dispatching and call taking operations with the exception of the Sherifs Office (for now).
The system is currently fully operational, however, it is awaiting final testing in late spring before city operations are moved over. County Operations will begin transitioning shortly thereafter and will completely transition by early next year.
Now for the bad news....
All county operations are set to be fully encrypted. Not sure if the city is going to follow suit, but I’m sure they will.