If you put in 453.025 and 460.775 with the proper PLs, you'll hear the repeater outputs if you're within range of the Sauratown Mtn repeater sites. Can't tell you how to do that, but I'm sure somebody can help.
Air Care, like all medical helos, uses whatever frequency they're assigned by the requesting agency at the time of the request. Sometimes it's one of several pre-arranged freqs in the radio's memory. The combo of an 800 mHz digital/analog capable radio, MOAs with all radio systems in their response areas, and the Wulfsburg DC to Daylight radios and antenna tuners (
www.wulfsburg.com), they are capable of talking on just about any frequency or format you can mention. The patient and comm info is given to the helos by the helo dispatch centers just after liftoff from base, and the crews dial in the freqs and formats for contacting the scene officers when nearing the scenes.