NCSHP Logistics Changes

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Premium Subscriber
Jul 6, 2013
Yep, nothing like a dispatcher getting a call to a call in a small area 4 hours away that they have never heard of. At least Williamston was closer and they dispatchers knew the counties they covered. I bet there will be lots of delays as the Raleigh dispatchers learn the new areas.

I hope they are adding more dispatchers to cover the lost centers, otherwise I can't imagine what will happen in a natural disaster. Well, yes I can (I used to be a dispatcher for Norfolk PD and Fire) and its not pretty.


Richard in SHP A3 District

I'm probably preaching to the choir here. You do need to be prepared to fend for yourself. If you're going to do so, you need to understand what you need to do for yourself in a natural disaster. A few weeks or a month of storable food per person, water, and a camping stove or grill to cook it on are simple ways to prepare for a natural disaster.

I agree that consolidating the state into a single dispatch center is a single point of failure. It's also less expensive to consolidate. Let's face it, we don't have infinite money and infinite safety is a pipe dream. I'm not weighing in on the cost vs benefit analysis of a single dispatch center. I'm saying complaing here isn't going to change things. I'm also saying there are things you can do to help yourself in the event of another disaster, such as Fran.


Jul 16, 2003
Charleston, SC
I agree that consolidating the state into a single dispatch center is a single point of failure.

I have yet to see from any official source that ALL dispatch is going to be run out of the state capital. I think people are assuming that no redundancy or back up is in place and we all know what happens when you assume.

If the sky is truly falling and they are consolidating to one centralized location then everyone knows this is a bad idea. Do we not believe that someone at the SHP administration level (or higher up) can see this?

I would think that eventually you will see regional comm centers (maybe even only to the tune of an East and West), but total centralized dispatch is pure conjecture at this point. At least as far as I can find officially.

Now, feel free to continue the doom, gloom, and disaster talk, as for me? I'll wait to read it from an official source.

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Dec 26, 2007
Eastern, NC
thing of it is if they are just consolidating then the other offices will still be there in a standby mode i would think in case something happens they could switch it back around


May 10, 2003
Units aren't dispatched from an office, they are dispatched from the comm centers, and those are being shut down and decommissioned. There's no easy way of going back once a comm center has been decommissioned and the microwave re-linking process has been done, and once the remaining comm center personnel have been transferred and have established residences in their new locations.

The word is that the microwave system that is used to control the radio systems is being expanded for capacity and redundancy. That can also mean that any of the remaining comm centers could be enabled to operate any site in the state, but it doesn't mean that the current intent is to go to a single dispatch point......yet.

Quite frankly, I am really enjoying the ability to keep my low band MaraTrac in the truck and now hear the 800 mobile traffic being repeated over low band. Mongo like! Mongo no need trunking scanner for NCSHP......yet.
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Premium Subscriber
Aug 16, 2008
Murphy, NC
Far Southwestern NC Troop G

Oh, this is great. They make the switch before the Payne's Mountain site is even in service. If both Joanna Bald and Murphy go off line, the SHP will be using cell phones (when they can get reception). Since both Clay and Cherokee County Sheriff's Offices have gone to different digital systems, I am not sure if SHP has retained the ability to talk to the local dispatch centers.

The good news, I guess, is that I probably don't have to worry about troopers sitting at the Tennessee State Line where the speed limit drops from 65 to 55 because they will be out of range of their radio system.

Broadcast from the south side of Payne's Mountain, 12.5 miles WSW of Murphy and 7 miles east of Tennessee.


Database Admin
Mar 24, 2007
Charlotte, NC
People seem to be forgetting that SHP comms did in fact exist before VIPER. Low band is still online, and will remain online for a while to come until VIPER is built out COMPLETELY, and has a decent track record (especially in the mountains).

Also, these remote sites have always been just that....remote. There would be just as much trouble if Joanna went down from Asheville as there would be if it went down from Newton. The only thing the migration has added added are a few extra microwave/wireline hops back to a different console.

And for the final point, Cherokee & Clay have both allowed mixed mode transmissions, so analog radios are still capable of calling both counties. Dispatch centers also have a pretty good habit of having at least one radio dedicated to an SHP channel so they can monitor and anticipate sending local units when things get hectic.

Most all of these supposed problems have been addressed and are a non-issue at this point. There are still some growing pains and complications that will arise as a result of moving communication centers, but not nearly as much gloom and doom as some are making out to be.


May 10, 2003
Yeah, what he said. Obviously there is a great deal of misunderstanding and erroneous gloom and doom info being thrown around regarding the SHP logistics changes. Nothing has changed where listening to a scanner is concerned or how the troopers use a radio beyond a change in which comm center they utilize. In fact, there has been a great step forward concerning the low band side. In troop D, the VIPER side is now multicast on the low band side so that the mobile traffic is now heard, and that eliminates missing the other side of the traffic. Hopefully this will follow through statewide as the site control link changes are made.

No major changes occur in any theater without difficulties and glitches. There will definitely be plenty of teething problems as the comm centers and system users learn and get used to the changes in respective comm center territories and logistics, but just because a comm center is no more, there is no reason whatsoever to even think there would be any VIPER or low band sites that would not be completed or utilized as intended.

As a former SHP telecommunicator and MotherMoto system tech with good friends in the SHP telecommunicator and radio engineer ranks, I can say without reservation that every difficulty encountered will be met and dealt with as required. After all, the SHP comm center personnel, the VIPER techs, and the radio engineers are quite well aware that the person they ultimately answer to is the one at the microphone of an SHP radio.
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Sep 26, 2012
Bakersville, NC
I don't see what the big deal is. If they can consolidate and save money, great.

I don't see where there would be any issues because most of the time their calls come through someone elses dispatch, such as your local 911 center. Most SHP have the TG or radios capable of communicating with your local dispatch center and law enforcement, so your local dispatcher can dispatch to SHP, and in the event SHP can't reach their dispatcher to run tags or whatnot, they can run them against your local dispatch center. At least that's how it works here. :)


Premium Subscriber
Feb 6, 2010
Rockingham County, NC
Didn't plan to comment on this topic, but decided to - and try to keep it brief. I've been around radios and scanners for about twenty-five years, and have spent time dispatching as well. As robkermit just pointed out, and others have commented, there are alternative ways to communicate. The sky is NOT falling. Troopers are smart, and very resourceful. They will get their message through. My concern is on a personal, human, level. ANYTIME there are consolidations of ANY business, there are folks - like you and I - who lose their jobs. By and large, the folks behind the radio consoles are very good at their jobs. Just hate to think of them having to re-locate, or re-enter the job market.
Just my two cents worth.
David C.

Sent from my DROID4 using Tapatalk 4


May 10, 2003
One of the casualties of this move is the de-personalization of the relationship between the troopers and the TCs. There is no longer an ability for the troopers coming to the Troop HQs for radio or vehicle maintenance or meetings to drop in and speak to the people on the other end of that portable or mobile unit. This has been a piece of the family that NCSHP has had for so many years.


Database Admin
May 6, 2007
Powells Point, NC
Just heard Raleigh calling out to A-3 Pasquotank County cars on Low Band Ch 10. I guess Williamston is out of the picture now....


Database Admin
Mar 24, 2007
Charlotte, NC
Yep. Switch happened this morning at 10. Greensboro on Monday the 12th, Asheville on Monday the 19th, and Williamston on Monday the 26th.


May 10, 2003
As sad as that story sounds, the SHP does not get paid to do that.

That is correct, but while the trooper is waiting for the radio techs or mechanics to do their jobs, he or she had the option to do so and most did. Contrary to what some seem to think, troopers are not mechanical robocops, and that personal interface between divisions is one of the facets that strengthens an organization. I speak from personal experience. It means a lot when under difficult and stressful situations encountered in the job.

And yes, Williamston comm center is now a part of the past as of today.


Database Admin
May 6, 2007
Powells Point, NC
Yeah, and already Raleigh dispatch already had to spell out "Okisko" Road for a trooper in Pasquotank County.... This should be fun!


Sep 26, 2012
Bakersville, NC
That is correct, but while the trooper is waiting for the radio techs or mechanics to do their jobs, he or she had the option to do so and most did. Contrary to what some seem to think, troopers are not mechanical robocops, and that personal interface between divisions is one of the facets that strengthens an organization. I speak from personal experience. It means a lot when under difficult and stressful situations encountered in the job.

And yes, Williamston comm center is now a part of the past as of today.

Understood. But the sad reality is, as budgeting becomes tighter and tighter, and North Carolina tries to save save save, I predict that it won't be long before all SHP dispatch is handled centrally out of Raleigh. Wildlife already handles all of its dispatch out of Raleigh, and they seem to be getting by just fine.

One of the "benefits" of VIPER radio is that it makes it possible for the dispatch center to be virtually anywhere in NC. Since projects such as this cost money to maintain and upkeep, utilization of the service to "save money" to offset the cost must take place. Let's face it, VIPER is still in the build-out phase, and the P25 upgrade still needs to be completed so that the agencies wishing to make utilization of this expensive radio system can do just that. Unfortunately, all of this takes money, and the state is struggling to come up with the funds needed to complete the VIPER radio project as well as maintain it for the long term.

We are all happy when new technology becomes available and praise the benefits of its availability, until "cost saving benefits" are realized. What has happened with these dispatch centers is a "cost saving benefit" thanks to the availability of the new technology. This is a move that you can't say that you didn't see coming.


Dec 26, 2007
Eastern, NC
the only thing i frown upon with viper is the cost of the dern radios. thats what is holding Halifax county back is money. we are one of the poorest counties in the state and your trying to tell me we gotta put around 100 grand in radios for the county good luck but it is still getting pushed slowly through.


Database Admin
Mar 24, 2007
Charlotte, NC
VIPER is purely voluntary. The only thing that the leaders of VIPER are pushing for is the ability to connect into a few key talkgroups for each county for coordination of daily operations with SHP and for any large disaster requiring state involvement and outside response.

An upfitting of the current conventional system could have easily been accomplished for the cost of a handful of VIPER radios, and I imagine you could purchase 4 or 5 conventional radios for the cost of one trunked radio as well. It all depends on who's running the show as far as the EM office and emergency services. VIPER is a good option to have, the state has been very generous, but that doesn't mean it's the best option for every county to jump on board with.
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