NCSHP Logistics Changes

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Sep 26, 2012
Bakersville, NC
I agree that the cost of the radios is a major issue for counties converting to VIPER, however for the sake of keeping this thread on-topic, let's only talk about SHP and their use of the VIPER radio system.

Obviously the money to equip SHP vehicles, each officer, and the dispatch center with radios has been there, since they've been using radios on VIPER for quite some time now.

The major issue at hand with VIPER is that the underlying technology has to be upgraded, as there are no more radio ID's available for new radios to be added, has a cost associated with it, and of course the costs for upkeep. The money has to come from somewhere, whether its from grants or tax payer money. Usually it comes in the form of both. NC is strapped for cash, not just for the VIPER radio system, but other expenses which we can save for a totally different discussion.

Once VIPER undergoes the P25 upgrade, hopefully counties such as Halifax and other agencies that desire to use VIPER will be able to purchase radios at a better price since they won't be locked into limited hardware vendors like they are now with the current 4.1 smartzone technology.


May 10, 2003
Once VIPER undergoes the P25 upgrade, hopefully counties such as Halifax and other agencies that desire to use VIPER will be able to purchase radios at a better price since they won't be locked into limited hardware vendors like they are now with the current 4.1 smartzone technology.

Everybody say,"Ain't it so!" Contrary to some opinions, I do not have a batwing tatooed on my butt after several decades in the business, and I for one see the state's money problems and the limited vendor choices and ID capacity for Astro as being a large part of the problem for subscribers and potential subscribers. Hopefully the changeover to P25 will provide the ability to both save some money and provide adequate interoperability. These are exactly what the goals include, and as far as I can see, it's headed in the right direction. It won't be without its warts, it won't be done overnight, it won't be done without disagreements and resistance, and I might not like some of what's going on, but if a single dispatch point is what the inevitable conclusion comes to, then so be it. I might not like it, but there it is.

Interoperability has many forms and facets. While the technology and the infrastructure provide the static portions of the concept, the dynamics of interoperability have nothing to do with technology or infrastructure. As has been said before, interoperability isn't about technology, it's a state of mind, and while you may be able to provide all the technology the world has to offer, you can't make some of 'em accept it and use it.
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Sep 26, 2012
Bakersville, NC
I totally agree. However part of the VIPER tactical plan that many agencies do not realize is that part of the Homeland Security grant paid for the installation of radio gateways that "patch" a county's existing radio system into a VIPER talk group. From my understanding the gateways are already in place for all counties and all that needs to be done is enable the patch for a county. So, for example, Hallifax could enable their patch and start buying new radios, one by one, if they want, and the two separate radio systems will work with each other. This is already being done in places like Burke County.

Or if a neighboring county needs patched in due to mutual aid, and they are on a separate conventional system, three patches take place. Patch for neighboring county to their talk group, patch for 2nd county to their talk group, then the two talk groups are patched together. So essentially the radio gateways handle the patching and different users on different radio systems can talk to one another, even if they don't have 800 MHZ VIPER radios at all.

Is the patching system perfect? Not at all. Especially from an analog system to digital, or other way around. But it works!

Strategically the plan is to have everyone on the same radio system so the problems associated with patching across platforms is no longer an issue, as the radio gateways won't be needed any more.

And this is the idea behind "interoperability" in a nutshell. It can be accomplished and an agency does not have to switch radios if they do not want. Keep in mind if they choose to remain on their existing system then they are limited by the range of their infrastructure in place, which is so many miles radius from their tower. But this is also why 20 VIPER radios were purchased for each county through the DHS grant and stored at the county's EOC so that they could be distributed and used for purposes such as mutual aid for agencies that are out of range of their radio system.


Dec 26, 2007
Eastern, NC
i didnt mean to get so far off topic lol but yes i understand that but everyone started talking about consolidating for money and such and i just stuck my nose in the convo they are trying to save money when the system is still being built out after its finished then start to back down off of the money somewhat. its like building a house but you just use glue to hold down the subfloor rather then screws or nails also but i understand why they are and such lol


May 10, 2003
I would have to speculate that Raleigh has the patch capability since its equipment is new and it's located in Capitol City, but some and maybe none of the other comm centers were capable. Greensboro's new consoles were never installed and instead went to the Charlotte location where they were installed for the Democratic convention event. That location is the rumored replacement for Newton, Salisbury, Asheville, and Monroe if the two comm center system becomes a reality. Since Newton and Salisbury have recently been refurbed, it is possible they have the patch capability whether or not it's actually operational.

Recon is not so far off target at this point while the rework goes on and there's so much that is in transition, but again, we aren't privy to the actual game plan, so all we can do is speculate. Ain't it fun?
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Feed Provider
Sep 12, 2009
Outer Banks, NC
I have to say it's pretty funny listening to the dispatchers try to pronounce all the Outer Banks area names, though I do miss the warm country voices of the Williamston dispatchers.

As far as consolidating dispatch centers, that is the way everything is heading. With the type of next generation wireless networks coming out, you can literally dispatch from wherever you want as long as you have a computer and a connection to the network. Essentially, geographic location is removed from the equation. To equate it with the overused buzzwords of today, think of it as "cloud" dispatching. Don't be surprised in the coming years to see 911 and dispatching outsourced to private companies located on the other side of the continent.
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