NDBs are indeed disappearing rather rapidly, they just decommissioned the CATTA and REDAN NDBs, which were associated with approaches to KATL, just this week.
Some NDBs may have the ASOS/AWOS weather for the airport broadcast over them, but these too, are becoming increasingly rare. This is because the ADFs in aircraft are being removed and replaced with GPS units instead of getting fixed.
In the summer, I listen to baseball games when I'm flying with the ADF if the plane I'm flying is equipped with one. Just flip it over to the BFO mode and tune it in like if you were in your car. In days past commercial AM stations were actually charted to allow pilots to navigate with them, since many of them were much more powerful than most NDBs. I have a couple of older sectionals (7-8 years old) that still have a couple of commercial stations marked on them.