Hello, this is my first post here. I appreciate everyone's expertise on the forums (I have been reading a lot lately) and would appreciate some help in deciding on which scanner to purchase for my area. I am a recently licensed tech but not an active ham as of yet.
I am in the Central Massachusetts area (Leominster) and it appears most of the channels I listen to (predominantly Police/Fire/Repeaters/some Rail) are conventional analog FM or FMN:
I was thinking of purchasing a BC125AT, however, I would also like to listen to Massachusetts State Police but they are on a P25 Trunked System - and there are some other services on P25 I may like to explore - so this may help me make my decision: Right now, either the BC125AT or SDS100*. I am open to other suggestions as well.
I understand the BC125AT just does conventional and not trunked systems. I am also a visual person and feel maybe the SDS100 would give me more in terms of screen information/feedback on what I am listneing to - even though most of my listening (probably 80-95%) will be done on analog/conventional frequencies as those are dominant in my area currently.
I am currently using a Baofeng UV-5R and Chirp as a poor-man's scanner to program my local conventional agencies, but it is lacking in the lower VHF frequencies so I am missing out on some activities and of course, no banks. I am amazed though that it picks up fire and police from towns 30-40+ miles from my location with clarity.
I also have Yaesu FT-60 programmed similarly with RT Systems software and as my main HT and go-to radio once I feel comfortable transmitting.
And, I have an old Regency HX-1500 scanner that still runs ok, but does not pick up anything. Not sure why. It worked well back in the 90's when I moved to this area.
I am aware of the Unication G5 pager for listening to conventional and trunked systems and like that it is rugged and a great piece of hardware (a characteristic I like and perhaps something akin to the feel of the Yaesu FT-60?) but it might be more than I can chew at the moment in terms of programming and it probably might not be as fun to use or as flexible as a dedicated scanner like the SDS100.
Any thoughts on a scanner purchase would be appreciated and thanks for reading!
* Note: I missed out on the Cyber Monday price of $549.99 recently but did email Uniden Friday if they will be making a similar offer before Christmas and they informed me the SDS100 will be on sale tomorrow - December 12th for $584.10 for those who might be interested.
I am in the Central Massachusetts area (Leominster) and it appears most of the channels I listen to (predominantly Police/Fire/Repeaters/some Rail) are conventional analog FM or FMN:

Worcester County, Massachusetts (MA) Scanner Frequencies and Radio Frequency Reference
Scanner Frequencies and Radio Frequency Reference for Worcester County, Massachusetts (MA)
I was thinking of purchasing a BC125AT, however, I would also like to listen to Massachusetts State Police but they are on a P25 Trunked System - and there are some other services on P25 I may like to explore - so this may help me make my decision: Right now, either the BC125AT or SDS100*. I am open to other suggestions as well.
I understand the BC125AT just does conventional and not trunked systems. I am also a visual person and feel maybe the SDS100 would give me more in terms of screen information/feedback on what I am listneing to - even though most of my listening (probably 80-95%) will be done on analog/conventional frequencies as those are dominant in my area currently.
I am currently using a Baofeng UV-5R and Chirp as a poor-man's scanner to program my local conventional agencies, but it is lacking in the lower VHF frequencies so I am missing out on some activities and of course, no banks. I am amazed though that it picks up fire and police from towns 30-40+ miles from my location with clarity.
I also have Yaesu FT-60 programmed similarly with RT Systems software and as my main HT and go-to radio once I feel comfortable transmitting.
And, I have an old Regency HX-1500 scanner that still runs ok, but does not pick up anything. Not sure why. It worked well back in the 90's when I moved to this area.
I am aware of the Unication G5 pager for listening to conventional and trunked systems and like that it is rugged and a great piece of hardware (a characteristic I like and perhaps something akin to the feel of the Yaesu FT-60?) but it might be more than I can chew at the moment in terms of programming and it probably might not be as fun to use or as flexible as a dedicated scanner like the SDS100.
Any thoughts on a scanner purchase would be appreciated and thanks for reading!
* Note: I missed out on the Cyber Monday price of $549.99 recently but did email Uniden Friday if they will be making a similar offer before Christmas and they informed me the SDS100 will be on sale tomorrow - December 12th for $584.10 for those who might be interested.