Hello there. NWX Base Station / NWX446 is hosting a new NET on 446.000. It will start February 9th 2022 at 6pm PST. This is a simple check in NET. As I build a list of regulars I will start calling out check ins. Until we get there, come with your call signs, location and with a IN or OUT. When you check in with a IN I will call on you in the come back for any announcements or chat you may have for the NET.
When this net grows I will consider moving it to another 70cm simplex frequency. Just to keep 446.000 clear for travelers, but I'll cross that bridge when I get to it.
New and old hams alike are encouraged to join in. Get your antenna up, turn your radio to 446.000 and let's talk everything.
Please join and follow NWX Base Station at www.Twitter.com/BaseNWX, NWX Base Station and https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBvl9oAuqbiKvQTVSTt3d5w
When this net grows I will consider moving it to another 70cm simplex frequency. Just to keep 446.000 clear for travelers, but I'll cross that bridge when I get to it.
New and old hams alike are encouraged to join in. Get your antenna up, turn your radio to 446.000 and let's talk everything.
Please join and follow NWX Base Station at www.Twitter.com/BaseNWX, NWX Base Station and https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBvl9oAuqbiKvQTVSTt3d5w