Anytime I listen to the Delaware TRS I realize I don't hear those 2 police departments on their dedicated talkgroups. I do hear Newark PD however. So is Elsmere and New Castle operating on other channels? How about Newport PD?
Thanks. Now how do we know who is who? Which one is the 800 units? 900? Also we have Newport, Middletown, and do the county police have unit numbering? Didn't happen to see any of this stuff in the New Castle wiki. Also what is ReComm?
800 units are New Castle City, I believe 900 are Elsmere, Isnt Newport on DSP RECOM(Someone help me here), County will be 10's (ie 11d1, 12d1) 20's (22d1, 23d1) and 30's (33d4, 31d2) and the 40's are split between New Castle County Southern Patrol and Middletwon Police
Thanks for your info. Thanks Audiodave for that link. I have found that page very helpful. And sorry for the delayed response. I have had trouble logging in on here for awhile using my laptop. But I discovered I can log in using my phone. Weird. {:>?