As of 1330 local, 300.125
If it helps this is what I have programmed in my radios.
PACK A/A>324.100
PACK A/A>139.900
OSI NET>138.075
OSI NET>138.165
OSI NEY>138.1750
PEASE GCA>236.80
PEASE APP>264.70
PEASE DEP>269.40
PEASE APP>353.50
PEASE APP>395.80
Thanks for the heads up. I will check what i have in the 436. Time for me to update the sentinel database.
If it helps this is what I have programmed in my radios.
PACK A/A>324.100
PACK A/A>139.900
OSI NET>138.075
OSI NET>138.165
OSI NEY>138.1750
PEASE GCA>236.80
PEASE APP>264.70
PEASE DEP>269.40
PEASE APP>353.50
PEASE APP>395.80
Are those all AM or FM?
AM mode. Any luck catching any air traffic coming out of Pease AFB?
\What AR frequencies do you have programmed in?
It seems like a goose chase trying to see what Huntress and Giant Killer are using for frequencies