New ERS Tier 3 system


OH/WV DB Admin
Database Admin
Dec 5, 2006
Carroll Co OH / EN90LN
I do use DSD and that's how I got the neighbor list. But, I didn't get that info in the event log. It only had the one freq that I was parked on and had a question mark in place of the LCN. I'm not sure the other sites are even turned on.

In the bigger scheme of things I'm really not that invested in finding the rest of the system until it starts being used regularly.

Being used more regularly may come sooner than you think. Connect Plus has been EOL for years. Large wide area Con+ systems all over the US are currently transitioning form Con+ to T3. There are threads all over RR about it. In your original post from April you found one site online that listed 6 neighbors -- with most if not all of them likely to be online to some extent with one or two freqs. Fast forward seven months and now somebody has reported another site online with four neighbors (at least three of which are likely online). I suspect the buildout is much further along than you suspect.


Nov 13, 2004
It doesn't list the Neighbor CC freq in the main window. Is there a way to get a frequency from this data?

The T3 CC for each site will be easy to find. Just look for ERS licenses for the Con+ system locations, then check all of those until you find the 2 active Control Channels. The Con+ will populate system 127, and the T3 will populate L10 with the same site number.


OH/WV DB Admin
Database Admin
Dec 5, 2006
Carroll Co OH / EN90LN
It doesn't list the Neighbor CC freq in the main window. Is there a way to get a frequency from this data?

The T3 CC for each site will be easy to find. Just look for ERS licenses for the Con+ system locations, then check all of those until you find the 2 active Control Channels. The Con+ will populate system 127, and the T3 will populate L10 with the same site number.

You'll need to at least know once LCN for one frequency to determine what [if any] bandplan is being used. There may be no bandplan being used, but typically on T3 systems a bandplan is being used and you can then calculate frequencies from what is listed in the CC= lines. That's why I mentioned to INDaviation that the CC= info is very useful.

I realize that none of the active T3 sites may have any/much activity on them, but if you can park on one for a couple of days you might see some stuff in the Channel Activity window that would show additional LSNs. Unfortunately, on a T3 system the control channel typically isn't used for voice - Unlick Con+, where the second timeslot often is used for voice. And without voice comms, it'll never display the LSN / CHID for the control channel.


Nov 13, 2004
FWIW, this T3 system is statewide already. So far, every Con+ site is running a T3 also, with the exception of Site 1, and Site 13 that I've seen. I've seen a dozen or more T3 Neighbors.


Premium Subscriber
Feb 1, 2009
That is ERS, on this license. The tower is on 26th St in Muncie.

The information you have on your screen matches the original non-T3 ERS system for the Muncie site (site 10).

You may need to reboot your setup.
Well I went to the Indiana page and looked up the frequency 451.7875 and it gave me the result of it being from the ERS-OCI system in Bluffton plus I noticed it was also part of Andersons ESR-OCI frequencies also. I dont know anything about the 'T III Moto' stuff


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Premium Subscriber
Feb 1, 2009
Well I found Andersons T3, site 9, 463.5375, DCC 3
but I went through all of New Castles freqs on the ERS-OCI page here FCC Callsign WQPZ441 (Emergency Radio Service, LLC) and I couldnt find theirs. I know I can get New Castle's Regular ERS-OCI Con+ on 463.2125 with no problem from my discone, and their site number 26 comes up as a NL for Muncie and Andersons T3


Nov 13, 2004
Well I found Andersons T3, site 9, 463.5375, DCC 3
but I went through all of New Castles freqs on the ERS-OCI page here FCC Callsign WQPZ441 (Emergency Radio Service, LLC) and I couldnt find theirs. I know I can get New Castle's Regular ERS-OCI Con+ on 463.2125 with no problem from my discone, and their site number 26 comes up as a NL for Muncie and Andersons T3

New Castle CC=1. Wabash CC=1. Idk if those are just placeholders, or what, but I couldn't find either of those between 450-470Mhz.


OH/WV DB Admin
Database Admin
Dec 5, 2006
Carroll Co OH / EN90LN
New Castle CC=1. Wabash CC=1. Idk if those are just placeholders, or what, but I couldn't find either of those between 450-470Mhz.

I had mentioned previously that those either indicate that the neighbor sites listed with CC=1 are not up, or that the site you are monitoring has no connectivity with those sites listed as CC=1. Typically, over time that goes away and the real values appear there when the CC=1 sites are either online or have connectivity to the one you are monitoring.

I know you can guess (based upon how they seem to be following the same scheme as the COn+ system), but be careful.

It's be really useful if somebody in Indianapolis would run DSDPlus on the Indianapolis site and get a list of all of the neighbors and their CC= values (which would definitely be broadcast and seen in the event log window)



OH/WV DB Admin
Database Admin
Dec 5, 2006
Carroll Co OH / EN90LN
Well I found Andersons T3, site 9, 463.5375, DCC 3
but I went through all of New Castles freqs on the ERS-OCI page here FCC Callsign WQPZ441 (Emergency Radio Service, LLC) and I couldnt find theirs. I know I can get New Castle's Regular ERS-OCI Con+ on 463.2125 with no problem from my discone, and their site number 26 comes up as a NL for Muncie and Andersons T3

Did you mean Anderson T3 Site 10-14 ? Site 10-9 is Marion with CC of 463.6125

And can you post a screenshot of your DSDPlus Event Log Window while you are monitoring Anderson Site 10-14 on 463.5375 -- specifically so we can all of the neighbors listed?


Premium Subscriber
Feb 1, 2009
Did you mean Anderson T3 Site 10-14 ? Site 10-9 is Marion with CC of 463.6125

And can you post a screenshot of your DSDPlus Event Log Window while you are monitoring Anderson Site 10-14 on 463.5375 -- specifically so we can all of the neighbors listed?
oops...yeah I mean 10-14 for Anderson...lookin at too many numbers :D
NL are Muncie, Indy, Marion,, New Castle & Greenfield

Im not sure what the CC=7001 and CC=2019 are all about

here a screenshot ...ignore the fact I havent updated the DSDPlus Freq file


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OH/WV DB Admin
Database Admin
Dec 5, 2006
Carroll Co OH / EN90LN
oops...yeah I mean 10-14 for Anderson...lookin at too many numbers :D
NL are Muncie, Indy, Marion,, New Castle & Greenfield

here a screenshot ...ignore the fact I havent updated the DSDPlus Freq file

Thank you. Any neighbor site listed with a CC=1 is probably not online yet. So, for the sites you can monitor, you should just check them occasionally to see if any of the "CC=1" neighbors have their CC changed to something else. When they do, that'll likely mean they came online.


Premium Subscriber
Feb 1, 2009
Thank you. Any neighbor site listed with a CC=1 is probably not online yet. So, for the sites you can monitor, you should just check them occasionally to see if any of the "CC=1" neighbors have their CC changed to something else. When they do, that'll likely mean they came online.
this may be a dumb question but for Instance, does CC=1 (or whatever the number may be) refer to Control Channel and DCC refers to color code??


OH/WV DB Admin
Database Admin
Dec 5, 2006
Carroll Co OH / EN90LN
this may be a dumb question but for Instance, does CC=1 (or whatever the number may be) refer to Control Channel and DCC refers to color code??

Yes, CC=#### refers to the LSN / ChannelID -- and if we know the actual CC=/LSN/ChannelID (not CC=1;) we can calculate the actual frequency.


Monitoring since 1982, using radios since 1991.
Premium Subscriber
Dec 18, 2002
Indianapolis, IN
So, the Indianapolis site listed as an Cap+ (as well as the KY one), might actually be part of the CapMax, since CapMax can, and does both T3, and Cap+. Motorola MotoTRBO Capacity Max is not a pure T3 system, it is an hybrid, that not only can run true T3, but also combinations of linked multi/single site Cap+, and IP Site Connected conventional sites to create very versatile systems. The Indy site is showing all three flavors currently. There is the very much still in use Con+, the Cap+, and also T3. I got to watch the buildout of an large system like this from LTR, to Con+, and now get to watch the next step of Con+ to Cap+/CapMax. Its fascinating to see how they can have multiple system types on a single site, with the same freqs. Also, you guys do know ERS-OCI still has NOT killed off thier LTR systems in IN fully yet? There is still 2, or is it 3 of the old LTR network 800 MHz sites still alive. (Side note, be watching the FedEX TRS, and a couple of other Con+ for conversions to Cap+/CapMax soon also, because as stated, Con+ is EOL and in the Discon stages like SmartNet/SmartZone "Type I/II/IIi" went through as P25 & MotoTRBO came out in force.) Also of note, the North Indy site of the Con+ has apparrently been offlined, as I have not had a peep from it for almost a year now. I don't know if they will turn it back on as part of the CapMax or not. I have not had time to log the Hendricks County "mini" site in a while to see if it is showing any Cap+/CapMax yet. I have also not heard anything from the downtown "mini" site they were adding for better coverage on Meridian St. Not sure if its been built out yet, and its the only one that has an 6.25 spaced freq like an NXDN would, but ERS is an PURE Moto shop, so iether an typo or something "different"?
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Nov 13, 2004
So, the Indianapolis site listed as an Cap+ (as well as the KY one), might actually be part of the CapMax, since CapMax can, and does both T3, and Cap+.

If it is the Site number is wrong. On the T3 system Site 1 is a neighbor of Site 3, Fort Wayne, but not any of the others between Fort Wayne and Indy. That would also be consistent the Con+ system's Site 1 being in northeast Indiana.


|-/ Nothing kills man faster than his own head.
Premium Subscriber
Jul 17, 2022
the Hoosier state, baby.
Hey all. Doing some searching & found this one. Location in Wayne County (89).
So far I have not heard any voice or seen any TGID’s.
I don’t know the LCN. Will be submitting to the DB momentarily.

EDIT: Submitted. Ticket ID #259115.


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OH/WV DB Admin
Database Admin
Dec 5, 2006
Carroll Co OH / EN90LN
Hey all. Doing some searching & found this one. Location in Wayne County (89).
So far I have not heard any voice or seen any TGID’s.
I don’t know the LCN. Will be submitting to the DB momentarily.

EDIT: Submitted. Ticket ID #259115.
I'm not used to looking at T3 sites on an SDS. Where in the display does it show the Network ID and Site ID?