not really i heard it on wkyt news website
little info
their suppose to run liscenses and stuff via computer rather then radio now, warrents, etc
says it takes more off dispatch probably similar to the computer system ksp uses but itll be on their network and analog
sounds like a MDT with AVL. Mobile Data Units are laptops that allow the officer to run all the queries you mentioned. Automatic Vehicle Location is GPS based and keeps the dispatcher updated as to the vehicles location. This allows the closest unit to be dispatched. The cars will have a strange looking antenna added to pick up the GPS signals.
If you look at the KSP web site home page you can see them having a class on how to work the computers in the car... also the computers are not GPS computers all they do is Run tags and allow officers to do reports and send them in instead of going back to the station and doing them. I do ride along with the department and the system is not all the way ready. All they can do is reports un till sometime Early next year when they get all the satellites up around town. Also it is the KSP system they are just going to link us onto them. The department Here (Murray PD) is the only little town Department that has them does anyone else know if their department does.