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Mar 2, 2003
There are several new LIVE feeds available here on, or you can listen through several scanner apps on your iPhone/iTouch & Blackberries.

In Central Arkansas you can now listen to these agencies...

Arkansas State Police Troop-A Little Rock
Little Rock Police Dispatch
Little Rock Fire & MEMS Dispatch
North little Rock Police & Fire Dispatch
Pulaski County Sheriffs Dispatch
Sherwood Police & Fire Dispatch
Pulaski County Volunteer Fire Departments

Not to mention several other new feeds around our great state, here is a link to the Arkansas page...hope you enjoy these feeds!
Live Police, Fire, and EMS Scanners on

Happy Listening!
& Merry Christmas!!!


Feb 20, 2010
North Little Rock, AR
Let's coordinate efforts.

Many thanks for providing these feeds!

I've been monitoring LRPD dispatch and NLR PD/Fire dispatch on my iPhone (via the 5-0 Radio App) for the past few days. What a wonderful toy these mobile phones are! I backtracked and found this site, and a quick search brought me to this forum post.

From what I gather, aspclay is providing some or all of these feeds. If I'm wrong, please correct me.

I have a trunk tracking scanner, and fairly regularly monitor the PuCo TRS. I also have broadband internet and tons of old computer hardware laying around that would make a great server. I knew that I'd resisted the old lady's urges to throw this stuff out for a reason. Like Navin from The Jerk, this equipment may have just found it's "special purpose".

I'm computer and network savvy enough to set up a feed, but I would like to coordinate efforts with the folks providing the feeds based out of the PuCo TRS, so we can get the maximum feeds available out of this area. I'm located in the Levy/Amboy area of NLR, and my reception of all the NLR talkgroups are good.

I'd like to get together on this with the feed providers in the area, so I can get my feed up and running.



Monitoring since 1982, using radios since 1991.
Premium Subscriber
Dec 18, 2002
Indianapolis, IN
I am not sure who runs the Pulaski Co feeds.. I run the Garland/Hot Springs feed. Welcome to Radioreference!


Mar 2, 2003
Live scanner feeds

Many thanks for providing these feeds!

I've been monitoring LRPD dispatch and NLR PD/Fire dispatch on my iPhone (via the 5-0 Radio App) for the past few days. What a wonderful toy these mobile phones are! I backtracked and found this site, and a quick search brought me to this forum post.

From what I gather, aspclay is providing some or all of these feeds. If I'm wrong, please correct me.

I have a trunk tracking scanner, and fairly regularly monitor the PuCo TRS. I also have broadband internet and tons of old computer hardware laying around that would make a great server. I knew that I'd resisted the old lady's urges to throw this stuff out for a reason. Like Navin from The Jerk, this equipment may have just found it's "special purpose".

I'm computer and network savvy enough to set up a feed, but I would like to coordinate efforts with the folks providing the feeds based out of the PuCo TRS, so we can get the maximum feeds available out of this area. I'm located in the Levy/Amboy area of NLR, and my reception of all the NLR talkgroups are good.

I'd like to get together on this with the feed providers in the area, so I can get my feed up and running.


Yes I am providing most of the Pulaski County feeds, but not all of them. While most of the LR Trunking system feeds are already online, there are still a few that may be available. I should have the LRFD feed back online in a couple of days.

I have had requests for several more feeds, here are some of them:
NOAA Weather for Little Rock area, Adams Field Tower at the LR airport, Entergy, Maumelle PD, Jacksonville PD...

If you have a digital scanner you'd like to dedicate, then there are some on the AWIN system that would draw some Saline County SO, Bryant PD, Benton PD, Cabot PD, Lonoke County SO, Faulkner County SO...

I'd like to put on some of those, but digital scanners are not as cheap as older analog scanners.

It's neat and easy to host a scanner feed!
Keep us posted on what you plan!



Mar 2, 2003
I've been monitoring LRPD dispatch and NLR PD/Fire dispatch on my iPhone (via the 5-0 Radio App) for the past few days. What a wonderful toy these mobile phones are!


I have purchased 5 iPhone apps (mostly to compare the features) There are some awesome ones out there! The apps range in costs from $ .99 cents to $2.99, some are worth the costs, some are not!

These are my opinions about the apps I have:

"Action Scanner", (probably my favorite) this app allows your iPhone to "scan" 4 different feeds at once. It has 4 banks x 4 feeds = total of 16 feeds, but you can only listen to 4 feeds (1 bank) at a time. It has a "hold/scan" feature if you want to lock it on a particular feed. It allows you to pick and choose what feeds you want to listen to on each bank.

"Scanner911", (Second favorite) this app (and all the others) only allows you to monitor 1 feed at a time. It displays a map for the area the feed covers. One of the neatest features of this app is the ability to "record" audio from the feed you are listening to, so if you hear anything going on like a pursuit or an interesting or funny conversation then you can record it and share it with others!

"5-0 Radio", (Another really good app!) I like 2 things about this app. 1. it shows how many people are listening to the feed (great if you are a feed provider) and 2. the menu selection that allows you to look at either your favorites, time of day, 10-codes, or a map for the area the feed covers.

"Scanner Radio", Not the flashiest app at all, but probably the most accurate for active feeds (the fewest dead links)! I wish this app would list the "feed" you are listening to instead of the "county" you are listening to. If there are several feeds from a particular county then you will not know exactly which feed you are listening to at a glance. This app does provide a Twitter and Facebook interface.

"Emergency Radio" my least favorite due to the fact that the database has quite a few older dead links that do not work! It also offers the fewest "bells and whistles". There is not any flash to this app at all, it really needs an overhaul to make it a better app.

There are others apps out there, most of them are not worth the $1.00 or two that you have to pay for them! One of my biggest "dislikes" is the 10-code list's provided on most of these apps, It is useless, they are 10-codes for like LA or NY and NOT personalized for your particular area, which would probably be near impossible to do anyways.

Another "irk" of mine is these apps don't update their databases near often enough for me, which means more "dead links"!

There is an app for the Blackberry (I have an iPhone) I have only heard of the BBscan app, sorry I do not know anything about the app, but heard it worked pretty well.
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Mar 2, 2003
Little rock fire dept feed back online

The Little Rock Fire Department feed is back online (finally). I am still tweeking the audio levels and and trying to work out a better solution for the antenna. I need to go outside with a directional or something, i am somewhat blocked by a hill between me and their towers (I live in a valley). I may even try purchasing a different scanner for it (I'm not happy with the hissing noise and some other issues).

Also, Sherwood PD and FD should be online full-time this week sometime.

Let me know if there are any issues!

Happy Scanning!

There are several new LIVE feeds available here on, or you can listen through several scanner apps on your iPhone/iTouch & Blackberries.

In Central Arkansas you can now listen to these agencies...

Arkansas State Police Troop-A Little Rock
Little Rock Police Dispatch
Little Rock Fire Department
MEMS Ambulance Dispatch
North Little Rock Police & Fire Dispatch
Pulaski County Sheriffs Dispatch
Sherwood Police & Fire Dispatch

Not to mention several other new feeds around our great state, here is a link to the Arkansas page...hope you enjoy these feeds!
Live Police, Fire, and EMS Scanners on

Happy Listening!


Active Member
Premium Subscriber
Jul 2, 2004
The Little Rock Fire Department feed is back online (finally). I am still tweeking the audio levels and and trying to work out a better solution for the antenna. I need to go outside with a directional or something, i am somewhat blocked by a hill between me and their towers (I live in a valley). I may even try purchasing a different scanner for it (I'm not happy with the hissing noise and some other issues).

Also, Sherwood PD and FD should be online full-time this week sometime.

Let me know if there are any issues!

Happy Scanning!

Nice deal, i live in lr so its easy to get here, but i am heading to warren this weekend and i am gonna try to see if i can set up a remote feed for south east arkansas, warren bradley county drew county and Lincoln county and ashley counties as well, i am bringing my pro 163 base with me to test it out with a 800 mhz antenna and a 154 mhz antenna as well so we shall see!
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