I love my Motorola's, but man.. those APX's are UGLY radio's.
Agree, the installation of Microsoft Office on my computer now is about 6 times as bloated as it was back in 96 when I actually worked on the Microsoft Office Dev team and NOTHING we added since that time do I, or the majority of users use each day.While the features of the top of the line APX may exceed a Tetra radio the functionality isn't much different. When I was a deputy our office was on low band, I had to pull the antenna out of the radio like I did with my CB walkie talkie when I was 6, but I still talked to dispatch like $5,000+ radios do.
Radios have too many smarts in them for the use they get. One of my students said his cops had a hard time finding any channel outside their normal dispatch and car to car use, except for the special events zone. 'That's where they're on overtime'.
Still love my XTS5000's and love even better throwing my Astro Saber III in my back pocket, love the thin form factor.I love my Motorola's, but man.. those APX's are UGLY radio's.
I am still using WInXp and Office 2003. Microsoft started messing with the GUI on Win 7 and the tool bars in Office were some atrocious "moving ribbon" . Folks don't want to be relearning the OS at same time as having work deadlines to meet. Don't get me going about laptop computers needing to upgrade the OS while on the road with slow WIFI. Looking back, I should have got a Mac,,Agree, the installation of Microsoft Office on my computer now is about 6 times as bloated as it was back in 96 when I actually worked on the Microsoft Office Dev team and NOTHING we added since that time do I, or the majority of users use each day.
I am partial to the Systems Saber radio. I think it was all downhill for Motorola from the AS forward.As much as i like my APX7000, i miss the astro saber form factor and my MTS2000. The quality of the Type II audio that came from the MTS2000 was the best (just my opinion). The good ole days. even miss my Type II visar.
Yup, have XP on a RSS/CPS programming laptop and switched to Mac right afterwards, the pathetic non stop bloated updates started takin more rooom on my system than the original OS.I am still using WInXp and Office 2003. Microsoft started messing with the GUI on Win 7 and the tool bars in Office were some atrocious "moving ribbon" . Folks don't want to be relearning the OS at same time as having work deadlines to meet. Don't get me going about laptop computers needing to upgrade the OS while on the road with slow WIFI. Looking back, I should have got a Mac,,
Sent from my SM-T350 using Tapatalk
Loved the Expo, great radio, your Visar comment reminded me of them... I did not, he was there (the UK) 1986-2005, I was there (various locations) in the late 80's at Macomco an MSS in LA, then with them in Powell River, BC, Squamish, BC and eventually Vancouver and Burnaby BC, all in the 90's, eventually being the Installation Manager for BC and part of Alberta, (being one of the only people with enough testicular fortitude to climb free standing towers) then did similar work for the Dept. of Fisheries and Oceans and Royal Canadian Mounted Police after leaving Motorola.I remember a Motorola engineer saying the Visar could have had more than 16 channels but it would have been about .25" thicker to accommodate the chipset needed. Marketing put the quash on it, they wanted the skinner chassis.
Mrs. 007, did you work with Bob Schukai?
This brings back memories...not all good ones. Many years ago I had a hand in the breaking of the case where some 80-odd brand new LAPD engraved Astro Saber IIIs were stolen off a UPS truck right in front of an LAPD office building. Long complex story made very short, I ended up with legal possession of two of those radios and the information I contributed is what solved the mystery of who originally jacked them off the brown truck. I kept those radios for a number of years but eventually sold them. I have often wished I'd kept them for the novelty factor.
Nah the APX is decent. If you think they are ugly then you need to see the Bendix King multi band radio, the BXR9000. Now that's ugly.I love my Motorola's, but man.. those APX's are UGLY radio's.
Perfectly stated from someone with first hand experience and can talk to the point at hand with personal experience, LOVE IT... so rare here where we usually get too many opinions and not enough fact, your post was a nice change. Thank you.I like the APX8000. The CPS is easy, drag and dropping programming settings is a breeze and flashing them is ONE .bbf file. I have serviced both Motorola and Harris in PS environments and have compared reliability, hardware, software and firmware issues. The Harris radios were always much more prone to a display or board failure, PA Fail., firmware write fail or bad display. Like I said, Motorola is one firmware file. Harris is a Burnapp,, Bootapp and Firmware load in a certain order. I don't know about now, but the XG-100M and XG-100Ps were not Aeroflex 3920 Autotest II compatible. There was no tuning adjustments made available to the field tech. When you have a TON of these radios to PM, this is not good!! Where I am at now, we have Motorola Phase 2 with Radio Manager, Provisioning manager and KMF. Things flow real nice and Subscriber PM, Site GTR PMs are a Breeze!! Sorry, but LA is LUCKY and VERY WISE to go with Motorola!! The counties to the south of LA were wise too!