( Korpseofdeath ) Try using LMR-400 Cable on long runs. I found that cable has less loss than RG-6. This made a difference on my scanner runs. You will notice that "T" in your cable run will also "lose" signal. You might try a separate run for each scanner.
I just made an amazing discovery! And guess what?! I am picking up Oakland P25 on my PRO-197 with the little antenna that came with the scanner in the box. What I did, was I was snooping about the software updates for the CPU, and I had all the new CPU updates, but I noticed there was also a DSP. Now my DSP said 1.3, and I noticed that on the "Pro-106 and Pro-197 CPU/DSP Upgrades" page, there was a software update for DSP which stated "DSP 1.4 fixes: Minimizes the possibility of a previous NAC displayed on a new transmission.". Once I upgraded that, boom, I instantly was able to hear oakland, from my bedroom, in San Lorenzo, with I wouldn't say crystal clear audio, but I can follow all transmission now!! This is an amazing find for me at this moment
. Hopefully some other people who were having the same problem as me could benefit from this.