New Quebec DB Admin

Are you using the Quebec database and what are your preference ?

  • Yes

    Votes: 13 54.2%
  • Not very often

    Votes: 2 8.3%
  • Never and never will !

    Votes: 4 16.7%
  • Would you prefer data and tags in English

    Votes: 10 41.7%
  • Would you prefer data and tags in French (with short English translation)

    Votes: 10 41.7%
  • I'm using it for direct upload thru software

    Votes: 8 33.3%
  • I'm using it to print report

    Votes: 2 8.3%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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Quebec DB Adm
Jul 22, 2007
Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Hi everyone.

Just a quick note to let you know that I've justed been granted access by Lindsay to the Quebec DB as a administrator.

I live in the province of Quebec in the Montreal area and don't pretend to know everything there is to know about scanning and every frequencies in Quebec, I just wish that my contribution will be up to the task and to the expectations of members. As for my experience, I've been "playing" with scanners for 25 years which should provide me with proper knowledge to help our community.

Please feel free to send any idea to manage or organize the DB and provide CONFIRM frequencies, systems or TG's thru the usual way of doing so with the link in the DB.

I will be going thru the DB according to my available spare time and you will see changes from time to time or on a regular base.

The first thing I will work on are tags, areas, and wording that involded french accent on letters which will disappear so that the label or tags could properly be imported in scanners thru the softwares allowing that and produce PDF report without funny sign or empty spaces replacing these letters with accent. (Scanners display can have a hard time with French language accents such as éèàâêûù ...)

Being a French canadian native, my English is not perfect but I will do my best to be clear, if I'm not ... well, I'll have an excuse to use !!

Thanks for filling out the poll to help me in the orientation to give for the administration of the DB

EDIT : Will be udating the RENIR network as a work in progress. Just added numerous frequencies for existing sites and added a few new sites. More sites to come which only tower site number and CC Channel are known ... Been decoding these with PSR-600 and Pro96Com who are proving neighbor sites ...

So in the DB you could see : "Site xxx - ????- 14x.xxxx MHZ" The unknown location of site will be fill with "???"
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Database Admin
Feb 19, 2003
N.E. Kansas
You would have fooled me. Your English is better than most of the natives here.


Canadian DB Admin
Nov 5, 2002
I'm here a lot
Thank you Slypx addressing the tag "problem" , that was something that bugged me when I would browse through the Québec DB.
I voted for tags in English, but if your poll shows that the majority of your Québec members prefer French, then it' s nice that you have offered to put a short Anglo translation. :)


Jul 29, 2001
Ottawa, Ont.
Hi everyone.

Just a quick note to let you know that I've justed been granted access by Lindsay to the Quebec DB as a administrator.

I live in the province of Quebec in the Montreal area and don't pretend to know everything there is to know about scanning and every frequencies in Quebec, I just wish that my contribution will be up to the task and to the expectations of members. As for my experience, I've been "playing" with scanners for 25 years which should provide me with proper knowledge to help our community.

Please feel free to send any idea to manage or organize the DB and provide CONFIRM frequencies, systems or TG's thru the usual way of doing so with the link in the DB.

I will be going thru the DB according to my available spare time and you will see changes from time to time or on a regular base.

Great news, and welcome. I have nothing against someone in Texas updating the DB
but I am certain you have a better understanding of the geography, systems, users etc.
This is important in the case that questionable data is submitted (it happens). You are
in a much better position to raise questions.



Quebec DB Adm
Jul 22, 2007
Montreal, Quebec, Canada
DaveH and Mciupa

You're right, there is nothing better then a "local" to do a better specific job !

Thanks for you nice words, I'll try to serve everyone.

The RENIR System has been update to this date with the known and confirm informations : 34 tower sites and 24 TG's mainly use in Quebec city area only.

Edit : The "SQ" DB has also been updated as of today. Somehow some tags are too long for Import in scanners (16 char. max) and will be rename in the coming days ...

If you already had downloaded these DB, please update !

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Quebec DB Adm
Jul 22, 2007
Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Thanks Slypx

For updating the Montreal area and Province of Quebec Database it was needed.


Thanks Tony, I'll do my best ! :)

But It is not only "me", it is with EVERYBODY'S help (and data !) that we will be able to bring this DB to the next level. It was started and maintain for a while by Vortac (Thanks a lot !) who did a great job in filling in most of the trunked system and a lot of data and then maintain by MikeOxlong and Jay911 (and maybe a few others that I'm not aware of ...) who did good considering they were out of Quebec they could not validate most of the submissions - Thanks to all of you and glad I could help and looking forwaard to work with everyone. Thanks to the contributors for past and future submissions. :D

For a while there will be data moving and renaming in some case. Jay911 asked the "RR site admin" a couple a days ago to add the Quebec "counties" (for the Quebec resident read : région administratives du gouvernement du Québec) and I had already intend to configure the DB this way. As it has to be done by Lindsay itself, Jay's request was bonified with my input and it is in treatment. (Thank's Jay for the first step toward this).

I'll wait to see the final result of the poll to make final decision on some points.

PLEASE : ANYONE with CONFIRM and valid information, send them in thru the regular link in the DB. :)

I added a few maps in a few places (Montreal PD and Airports ...) and more to come, please check in regularly for these and up to date DB.

As for any ideas or suggestions that are ready to get out of anyone's brain, PM me please or send it thru the DB link ... :lol:


Silent Key (April 15th, 2023)
Feed Provider
Feb 15, 2002
Bragg Creek, Alberta

I did get your email the other day..

I have actually posted the counties for all the provinces, to be added as time permits. Lindsay hasn't acted upon any of them, but may be holding off on it until he works on a major update of the entire site.


Quebec DB Adm
Jul 22, 2007
Montreal, Quebec, Canada

I did get your email the other day..

I have actually posted the counties for all the provinces, to be added as time permits. Lindsay hasn't acted upon any of them, but may be holding off on it until he works on a major update of the entire site.


No sure if I understand well you CAN add the counties or you SEND a request for them ?

If YOU CAN, whenever you can do it I'll be glad to work on that part of the DB ! If not, I did send a request ...
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Silent Key (April 15th, 2023)
Feed Provider
Feb 15, 2002
Bragg Creek, Alberta
I can't do it myself - it's something only a system admin can do (and we have only one of those - Lindsay).

I'm sure he'll get to it at some point... :D


Dec 31, 2007
Hello Slypx,

Very good job your doing! And thanks for the updates! Quebec site looks much better now!
I have seen you on the Montreal site(infoscan),but the information is lacking there if you don't know about channel lo & hi,trunking tables last time I checked a few months ago.

Can I ask you two Questions please?,that I have been trying for years but nobody seems to
know for sure in Montreal.

1.When are the Montreal Police Department going to change over to a digital P25 system?

This analog system was around since I was a kid! Must be 35-40 years old by now or older!

2.Why is the Montreal Metro(STM) system not in the RR Database?
The only thing I every heard on that EDACS system was people picking up a phone and saying "hello"
it's very dead or my PSR500 can't pick it up correctly? Signal is at 99% all day & night on the control channel.

Thank you for your time!


Quebec DB Adm
Jul 22, 2007
Montreal, Quebec, Canada
How about introducing yourself in the DBAmin forum.

Welcome aboard.

Just did !

Hello Slypx,

Very good job your doing! And thanks for the updates! Quebec site looks much better now!
I have seen you on the Montreal site(infoscan),but the information is lacking there if you don't know about channel lo & hi,trunking tables last time I checked a few months ago.

Can I ask you two Questions please?,that I have been trying for years but nobody seems to
know for sure in Montreal.

1.When are the Montreal Police Department going to change over to a digital P25 system?

This analog system was around since I was a kid! Must be 35-40 years old by now or older!

2.Why is the Montreal Metro(STM) system not in the RR Database?
The only thing I every heard on that EDACS system was people picking up a phone and saying "hello"
it's very dead or my PSR500 can't pick it up correctly? Signal is at 99% all day & night on the control channel.

Thank you for your time!

InDICa, Thanks for your kind word.

1 - It is a very old system (400 MHz) that was update from the 150 MHz 70's system in 1985 or so. The new P25 ENCRYPTED system should be implemented mid or end 2009. They are finishing the RFP process ...

2 - The "Montreal transit STM" system IS there : It might seem that you don't have the TG's "on" maybe just the I-Call could be on ... Just monitor it from the DB download and it works great. Download the full system (not only the CC channel) Check if you can monitor 860.3125 MHz, the CC channel of that system and hear the usual EDACS sound

You have a PSR500 ! I own a PSR600. Do you know the freeware Pro96Com ? An excellent P25 data decoder, try it with you pgm cable to monitor the SIM Fire dept you'll be surprise of the amount of data it gather.
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Dec 26, 2001
Back of the Bus
Now that the bus frequencies for STM have been added to the database, how about the Metro trains? For years they were operating on VHF but on a visit late last year I saw both VHF and UHF walkie-talkies in the operators cab. SVP, any information would be helpful. Merci!


Dec 31, 2007
Hello slypx,

I thank you for the quick reply! The Montreal police,thought they
would never change! When you say "P25 ENCRYPTED " Do you
mean just like the Montreal Fire Department I hope?

Or total ENCRYPTED like the Montreal Swat Team? That would suck!

This is the system I am talking about below,not the Bus system but the Metro system(subway) I have the bus system programmed already.


TX 1: 855.8625 MHz RX 1: 810.8625 MHz
TX 2: 861.0625 MHz RX 2: 816.0625 MHz
TX 3: 861.0875 MHz RX 3: 816.0875 MHz
TX 4: 861.1125 MHz RX 4: 816.1125 MHz

In a year all I heard was people picking up a phone and saying hello! Must be that red emergency phone in a glass box at all metro stations? Anyway seems dead and I live by Snowdon Metro.

And I'll give Pro96Com a try! Thanks for your help. :)


Quebec DB Adm
Jul 22, 2007
Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Now that the bus frequencies for STM have been added to the database, how about the Metro trains? For years they were operating on VHF but on a visit late last year I saw both VHF and UHF walkie-talkies in the operators cab. SVP, any information would be helpful. Merci!

Quick correction, the STM was not added, it was already there for 4 years !

As for the other frequencies you're mentionning can you provide some info thru the DB link please ?

Hello slypx,

I thank you for the quick reply! The Montreal police,thought they
would never change! When you say "P25 ENCRYPTED " Do you
mean just like the Montreal Fire Department I hope?

Or total ENCRYPTED like the Montreal Swat Team? That would suck!

This is the system I am talking about below,not the Bus system but the Metro system(subway) I have the bus system programmed already.


TX 1: 855.8625 MHz RX 1: 810.8625 MHz
TX 2: 861.0625 MHz RX 2: 816.0625 MHz
TX 3: 861.0875 MHz RX 3: 816.0875 MHz
TX 4: 861.1125 MHz RX 4: 816.1125 MHz

In a year all I heard was people picking up a phone and saying hello! Must be that red emergency phone in a glass box at all metro stations? Anyway seems dead and I live by Snowdon Metro.

And I'll give Pro96Com a try! Thanks for your help. :)

I'm sorry to say that I really meant P25 encrypted not P25 digital - I know the diffence and it hurt us :mad: !

As for the other system, I'll give it a try this week.


Dec 31, 2007
Thanks for the update,I was hoping your were not going to say that! So we will
no longer be able to listen to the Montreal police!Come the end of 2009
Bad news for sure! A good action band will be lost!

Do you have a link of this change over to the Montreal Police going P25 encrypted?

Thank you


Quebec DB Adm
Jul 22, 2007
Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Thanks for the update,I was hoping your were not going to say that! So we will
no longer be able to listen to the Montreal police!Come the end of 2009
Bad news for sure! A good action band will be lost!

Do you have a link of this change over to the Montreal Police going P25 encrypted?

Thank you

The RFP deadline has been postpone to January 21st as per say here

and the original publication was June 16th here :

Altought these don't say anything about P25 encryption because you need to BUY the RFP to have all the specs, I have 100 % sure info of the fact I've wrote in previous post.


Quebec DB Adm
Jul 22, 2007
Montreal, Quebec, Canada

No sure if I understand well you CAN add the counties or you SEND a request for them ?

If YOU CAN, whenever you can do it I'll be glad to work on that part of the DB ! If not, I did send a request ...

OK Folks, great news, the counties are in place - Thanks a lot to Lindsay for delivering this one for Chritmas :D

From now on I will work on remodeling the DB according to that and would appreciate that anyone one who submit some info use the link in each and every one of the new "counties" or Quebec administratives region as they really are.


Dec 31, 2007
The RFP deadline has been postpone to January 21st as per say here

and the original publication was June 16th here :

Altought these don't say anything about P25 encryption because you need to BUY the RFP to have all the specs, I have 100 % sure info of the fact I've wrote in previous post.

Wow! $100.00 for the specs! I'll take your word! You really know your stuff! Glad to have you as our new Admin for Quebec! And for the speedy updates on the RR database!

Many thanks for the links! Could not find them for the life of me! :)
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