Wait! The 400 MHz system is the new system ... hold on ... [finger to ear] ... OK, I'm being told that 23 years is a long time. Sorry.
I think they actually moved around 1987. I left in 1985 and for the first few years I visited they were still on 154.74, 154.8, 154.22, et al. Of course, the "WT"s have been on UHF even longer - every region had a WT freq on UHF in addition to the regular VHF.
But that's old news.
Why is the SPVM insisting on a new system? Why not join RSP or expand the SIM system? IOW, why start over?
Thanks for your comment on the DB
You're right, it is in the RR format for the counties.
And for the Montreal PD, I guess you know that for a radio system and for a PD the size of Montreal PD, being stuck with 80's technology means trouble to come (or already there).
As for why ??? Well you left Quebec in 1985 and I'm sure you still remember the "little wars" between the municipalities versus the Provincial government ? Well, old news too - They are still there !!
RENIR is government own AND ADMIN (and a bit expensive maybe ?), so stop and think for a minute what Montreal mayor's office is thinking about that Quebec network ... As for RSP it's getting older and crowded and frankly it could be a good solution using Provoice ... As for SIM, this is a twisty one. The SIM is using his own 800 Mhz frequencies with the RENIR's IP knots and towers ... As for the city other services, they are still using a 400 MHz for public works and others ...
My crystal ball is saying that this P25 PD system is the first step towards a Montreal city multi-agencies system devoted to the city only ... just a guess, but a good feeling about it ...
Like the rest of the planet, politics and money are leading the way - right or wrong !