Did anyone else notice the "Diamond" in the link? How about the similarity to the RH77CA?
That's really weird! If I click on it it takes me to:
Did anyone else notice the "Diamond" in the link? How about the similarity to the RH77CA?
I think Universal Radio just used an old website link from a previous spot for a Diamond antenna and didn't do a good edit job. I received the Remtronix today and there is zero similarity between the Diamond RH77CA and the Remtronics REM-VU100B. The loading coil at the base is different design just looking at the outside. The antenna element on the Diamond has a very slight step in the diameter wherer the Remtronics is the same it's full length. The Remtronics is installed and I've been monitoring commercial aircraft since about 5PM and I can't tell a difference. Previously I was using the stock Uniden telescoping antenna. Both were on a mag-mount on a file cabinet in my office. I'll play around more this evening and tomorrow. I'm monitoring VHF aircraft.
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