New to Scanning


Apr 22, 2024
Nederland Texas
ExxonMobil Beaumont Texas, I live in Nederland about 15 miles away. I'm just using the antenna that came with the SDS200. The system is a P25 phase2.


Premium Subscriber
May 8, 2004
Dallas, TX
ExxonMobil Beaumont Texas, I live in Nederland about 15 miles away. I'm just using the antenna that came with the SDS200. The system is a P25 phase2.
Is this the one you are trying to set up?

If so, that is in the database. You can simply append it from the database (in Sentinel) to a Favorites list that can be downloaded & monitored on your scanner.

Be sure that the Business service type is enabled,
Sentinel has the decimal values for the talkgroups. You do not need to also add the hex values. (In fact, there is not a specific field to use for them.)

Note that when appending a system from the main database, Sentinel will also include all of the sites for the system, not just the one in your target county. You can either delete the sites (other than the one in your county), or manually set unwanted sites to "Avoid", or use location control on your Favorites list, so that only systems within the range you set will be scanned.


Apr 22, 2024
Nederland Texas
Thank you for your time. I did that same thing several times. I omitted all the locations but Beaumont the only issue was that when I clicked on append to favorites it would not highlight that option. I tried to input the frequencies manually and add the longitude and latitude locations and for some reason even after saving the changes it still would not install the changes to the scanner.


Premium Subscriber
May 8, 2004
Dallas, TX
Thats the one(y)
Expand the main database in Sentinel to get to Texas, then drill down to Jefferson County.
At the county level, look at the folder labeled County Systems. Select that.
The Exon plant is in that folder. Just select it & <right><click> on the system's name. One of the options in the menu that pops up (when you right click) will be "Append to Favorites list.
Select that, and Sentinel will prompt you for the name of the list that you want it to be in, or you can tell Sentinel to create a new list. (You'll be asked for the name for any new list.) As already noted above, Sentinel will also append sites from other areas. You can either delete them, set the extra sites to Avoid, or, if using location control on the list, your scanner will ignore them as out of range.

Sentinel will append all the sites in the system. You cannot append only the one in your county.


Apr 22, 2024
Nederland Texas
I did select just the Exxon pulldown and append all the sites, but I still couldn't to download to the scanner. The Valero plant did but for some reason not Exxon. I'll keep trying Thanks


Premium Subscriber
May 8, 2004
Dallas, TX
When appending a system, you can right click on the system's name, or on a Department (which contains talkgroups). The option to append a site is grayed out since you cannot specific only one site to append, It's all of them, or nothing.

Looking at that system, the Portland location (near Corpus Christi) has one talkgroup identified, There are four talkgroups for Billings in Montana, but none (listed) for the plant nearest you. So, once you get the system into a Favorites list, set it to use ID Search (that's under the Options folder at the system level). That will enable any active talkgroup on the system (unless it is encrypted) to be received. If you can identify specific talkgroups for the system used in your area, submit the information to the database.

I did select just the Exxon pulldown and append all the sites, but I still couldn't to download to the scanner. The Valero plant did but for some reason not Exxon. I'll keep trying Thanks

Go back & re-read the bold text comments above. You cannot append only sites. You either append the whole system, or append a specific Department. If you try to do only sites, the option to append is grayed out, You cannot append only sites.

Once you have the system appended to a Favorites list, look in your Profile in Sentinel. Make sure that the Favorites list where you added the Exxon plant is set to both be downloaded to the scanner, as well as monitored.

If you are using location control on a Favorites list, be sure that you have your correct location & range set. If your location (in the profile) is left blank, then the location is treated as zero degrees latitude & longitude, which is a spot off the coast of Africa, and nothing will be in range.
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Well Known Member
Feb 10, 2019
Baltimore County, MD
These are the only talkgroups showing in the database:

Billings Refinery​

DECHEXModeAlpha TagDescriptionTag
60021772DBillings 6002Refinery OperationsBusiness
6013177dDBillings 6013Refinery OperationsBusiness
60171781DBillings 6017Refinery OperationsBusiness
60181782DBillings 6018Refinery OperationsBusiness

Portland TX

DECHEXModeAlpha TagDescriptionTag
70091b61DPortland OpsOperationsBusiness

You will need to use the Beaumont site and put the system into ID Search to find your talkgroups.
1 (1)041 (29)Beaumont, TXJefferson, TX855.3375858.1125859.7875c860.1125c
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Premium Subscriber
Apr 18, 2012
1. Are you using sentinel to program?
2. Have you used the zip code option on the scanner and tried monitoring there.
3. A lot of this seems complex and there is a lot of jargon.
4. I can probably walk you through things pretty easily. I am a dummy and figured it out. Don't give up hope.