Scanning Mode
Dont have any comms for pvt use but some lil GMRS type Moto radios, but looking for a good ham radio(for emergency use<disasters>) and maybe learn to play in the ham industry, and need a good one with scan functions, etc. I like to scan local emergency services(police, fire, ems) and looking at the specs of this radio it ranges from <receiving>1mhz-999 mhz(omitting or blocking cell sig.) and then tX 50-440mhz.(((am i reading this correctly???))) I Know I would probably not be able to comunicate with my motos(no prob). Again just looking for a good quality scanner, and ham radio for em use( money is really not an issue), and i like that is submersible. I also wanted a good one to give my terp(interpretor) and such when i go overseas with my army unit, and do pvt sec. contracting gigs to know when taliban is in the area on their icoms(communications) talking back in forth on unsecure nets, so i know when im about to get blown to smitherings(i can say my prayers and ask for forgiveness). if you ham experts in the comms section here can shed some lite for me it would be greatly appreciated.
thanks, dave