Thanks everybody for the info. I think I’m going to start with a used scanner. If I were to start looking for a used scanner to start with. Can anyone recommend one ? I really don’t want to just listen to police/ sheriff . I would just like to listen to anything that’s out there. I would like to just have a cheaper unit than the sds100 to start with Plus the wife wasn’t onboard with spending $650 for one. Again thanks to everyone for your imput.
As noted earlier, your county, as well as the ones immediately adjacent to your's (excepting Pike & Vinton) use the statewide
MARCS-IP trunked system. So you need a digital trunking scanner that can handle a P25 Phase I system. Presuming you want a handheld (I say that since you mentioned the SDS100, which is handheld), there are a number of scanners that can do what you need. The Whistler WS1040 is a handheld; it was also sold by RadioShack as the Pro-651, That will do the P25 Phase I as well as the conventional channels used by public safety agencies in your immediate vicinity. Brand new, that is in the $250 to $300 price range. If you, instead, would consider a good condition previously owned scanner, and are patient, you may be able to find one in the $200 range, or maybe less.
Whistler, periodically, has "scratch & dent" units, and/or refurbished scanners that, at times, have been under $200. Keep an eye on the classifieds here on RadioReference; sometimes you can find a bargain there. Also consider checking pawn shops, estate sales, and thrift shops that occasionally will have a good buy. You can, of course, also find these on eBay & other online sites. A Whistler WS1080 would also do what you want, and also adds P25 Phase II capability, though pricing will be more than the WS1040. The PSR500 & RadioShack Pro-106 are essentially the same scanner, and were made by GRE, before they went out of business around 2012. Whistler later bought their "intellectual property" and started selling essentially the same scanner as the WS1040. In the Uniden line, look for a BCD396XT. That's a digital scanner, capable of P25 Phase I, and can do multiple sites, which you may well need in your area. The BCD396T would handle P25 Ohase I, but cannot do multi-site, so that would rule it out if I were looking for a similar scanner for your area. I would personally shy away from the PSR500 & Pro-106. Those models, while functionally the same as the WS1040/Pro-651, are much older. As the units age, some components may start to fail, or the scanner may drift off frequency,