I know that there is a live feed for NHSP as well as nh dfl, but there is no live feed for nh hsem frequencies as well as eas frequencies. Was wondering if that could be added to either NHSP statewide or a separate feed?
There are no NH HSEM frequencies anymore, aside from the Low Band that is for the Seabrook Station EPZ towns, which is only used for drills or if Seabrook actually has an issue, and even then is the tertiary backup to telephone and WebEOC.
All the EAS frequencies broadcast the same thing at the same time, it's a multicast system. So if one of the four is monitored, it's the same thing on all of them. 95% of the traffic on the EAS are just tests, some with no audio other than the alert tone and FSK packets, others with audio from FEMA/WBZ (the PEP station for New England) or daily and monthly tests from NHSP/NH DESC with my voice on them (for now), or the NWS. It's really nothing glamorous, and if it's something actually important it will be on the radio, TV, or cable system. I wouldn't devote scanner time to monitor it.