This was an interesting situation. I was unaware the Niagara U LTR system existed. When I added the frequency to Saia CapMax I saw it was a conventional license. Apparently Niagara has been on SaiaNat Con+ for many years since the other frequency on the Niagara license has been in use on that system.
There was a single submission for the Niagara LTR in 2013 and it was never updated.
For anyone in the area with DSD+ capabilities, I need submissions when any SaiaNet frequencies are converted from Con+ to CapMax since they need to be deleted from the Con+ entry in your scanner or it may mess up the tracking, especially if it is a control channel. The scanner can't seem to tell the difference and may assume the CapMax channel is the Con+ CC and stop tracking.
I am checking all submissions for new CapMax frequencies and deleting them from the Con+ listing for the site. Most CapMax sites seem to start out with a new frequency for the CC and then voice channels are migrated from the Con+ system as CapMax traffic increases.
All TGs remain the same so basically subscribers will gradually migrate to the new system and channels be converted based on the traffic on the site. I was told that Saia expects the conversion to take about 2 years then everything will be CapMax with encryption.