This is Exsmokey. I've created this account for this one message. I've deleted my Exsmokey account and will no longer be active on the site. I will be deactivating this account as well. I've decided that enough is enough and that trying to improve the database is a futile effort. I've posted on database administration forum threads many times and was given answers that I was correct on many issues, most in fact, but nothing changes. I've seen the answer, "well Lindsay owns the site and if you don't like it leave." The trouble with that answer is that the site is more than Lindsay as so many of us have devoted a lot of time to making submissions and writing the Wiki articles, but if that really doesn't count, for me that means its time to quit.
This site is a gathering of volunteers and the database relies on volunteers. The database is sold to vendors. Under those circumstances you would think that those volunteers, especially those who have had public safety careers, who are experts and many like me that still have the best sources available on various agencies would be treated like they are needed. I don't find that to be the case.
One last observation of the site. It seems like database administrators have little fiefdoms that they protect. These administrators also have the authority to issue infractions and if they don't like you they will issue them. Unlike myself, I don't think most have ever written publications for direct public consumption other than perhaps computer directions, which for me, I find very poorly written most of the time. This is not their fault as they have different skill sets than those who have worked directly with the public in a high volume way right where the rubber meets the road.
I have the best of sources, have written dozens of map narratives, brochures, have staffed booths at such shows as the Anaheim RV and Sports Show and county fairs and have helped a few book authors with edits to their manuscripts. I used to make 3,000 field contacts per year and could evaluate the effectiveness of our publication and educational efforts. I used to present "ranger talks." I only say this because I understand what it takes to communicate. Additionally, I worked a season at Sequoia-Kings Canyon National Park and had a career where I did some work for 2 other National Parks and 3 BLM districts and my paycheck was funded by those agencies when I did. I understand how these agencies operate. I've been on over 110 wildland fires (including 5 weeks in Yellowstone NP supervising an army fire crew in 1988), was a Type IV incident commander, IC'ed traffic accidents, shootings, the beginning states of search and rescues, suicides and worked on floods and other misc. incidents. There are others that are RR members with similar experience who I've corresponded with who became frustrated with making database submissions and who cut back on the time they spent on the site for the same reasons that I'm frustrated by.
To all those who I've corresponded with and met in person over the years, it has been a pleasure. There is more to life than the radio hobby and I'm going to be spending my time elsewhere. I have so many interests and only one life.