More than likely it's State. Camden City Police uses their municipal EDACS system, though it's possible than a couple Camden City officers (probably Sgt. or higher) have access to NJSP radio.
More than likely it's State. Camden City Police uses their municipal EDACS system, though it's possible than a couple Camden City officers (probably Sgt. or higher) have access to NJSP radio.
I've been hearing activity on all those Camden task force channels, 1-4 for the last few days. Also there are patches in place between the Camden Edacs system and the NJSP system. They have also been active the last few days.
I monitored both sides of these patches on the NJSP system and the Camden Edacs system at the time with two scanners. This is the first time I have heard all of these. There was a lot of activity a few days ago but not much since. None the less I'll be scanning these for activity.