radioman2001, kindly check that 1976 Police Call book as in the fall of 78 when I get my first scanner, they were only using the 3 same UHF's. Curious to know when they dumped the cross band system for UHF only please.
As far as I remember YPD changed to the split system from low band around 1970 or 1971. I was in Nathans on Central Avenue in the summer/fall of 1971 and ran into a buff who was listening to the input for YPD since he didn't have a UHF radio ( I bought the Patrolman 3 tunable shortly after that and then a Unimetrics 4+4 which had UHF ). Again as far as I can remember and based on the radios (MT-500's)of the time YPD went straight UHF in the late 70's or early 1980. I worked on Yonkers VAC from 1981 to 1983 and they were all UHF by then. I had the contract for their system in around 1988-91 and they were all UHF using Micor 225 watt stations and UHF Micor voting receivers. Again all late 70 to early 80's equipment.
The above from their Annual Report says there were 4 more separate limited access UHF frequencies....hmmm
Based on an educated guess the UHF inputs might have been being used for Street Crime until the went all UHF and then the VHF's then were given to Street Crime.