Hi there, is there any way to find out if a county has changed some of their frequencies or added codes or something that would prevent being able to receive PD or fire channels all of a sudden? I have been listening on my RS PRO92 trunking scanner, (original, not the A, B, or C model) for many years. I have San Mateo County, CA channels programmed in, mostly for San Bruno PD, and fire, also South San Francisco, CA, PD and fire channels. It seems as though many channels seem to have gone silent, but I still get a few call on PD tac chs and maybe San Bruno and S San Francisco PD, but very intermittent. When I programmed the scanner back then I do not recall doing anything other than putting the frequencies in for the cities and putting the name in the screen to identify them. This scanner is a trunking scanner, but I never had to do anything with that at all. I was considering getting a newer hand held, Uniden Bearcat BCD436HP with digital, but have heard various stories about they may work with some systems may not eventually so I don't want to get an expensive radio that might only be good or a year or two. I also have had problems with getting the PRO92 software working with the right port, although when I hook up scanner to computer with the USB cable, the scnner says "clone mode" when I turn it on and I click upload in win92, it says cant find port. But when I select the up button on the scanner, it says uploading, and shows progress bar, then after a min or so, it stops and says, "upload complete". OK, I give up, where, if at all, did it upload the file to? WIN92 is a GUI software and has no directory other than clicking the EXE file from the downlaad directory, it stores no other files anywhere that I know of. So, too many problems and still working on a few problems with the PRO-92 and have given up for now not knowing where I can get the info on the calls dropping out, and how to fix that if possible. I hope someone may have a little info that might help me with one or two of these problems. Thank you for your help and have a safe weeekend and holiday on Monday as well.