Not receiving many channels on scanner for about a month, just some still come in

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May 17, 2022
Hi there, is there any way to find out if a county has changed some of their frequencies or added codes or something that would prevent being able to receive PD or fire channels all of a sudden? I have been listening on my RS PRO92 trunking scanner, (original, not the A, B, or C model) for many years. I have San Mateo County, CA channels programmed in, mostly for San Bruno PD, and fire, also South San Francisco, CA, PD and fire channels. It seems as though many channels seem to have gone silent, but I still get a few call on PD tac chs and maybe San Bruno and S San Francisco PD, but very intermittent. When I programmed the scanner back then I do not recall doing anything other than putting the frequencies in for the cities and putting the name in the screen to identify them. This scanner is a trunking scanner, but I never had to do anything with that at all. I was considering getting a newer hand held, Uniden Bearcat BCD436HP with digital, but have heard various stories about they may work with some systems may not eventually so I don't want to get an expensive radio that might only be good or a year or two. I also have had problems with getting the PRO92 software working with the right port, although when I hook up scanner to computer with the USB cable, the scnner says "clone mode" when I turn it on and I click upload in win92, it says cant find port. But when I select the up button on the scanner, it says uploading, and shows progress bar, then after a min or so, it stops and says, "upload complete". OK, I give up, where, if at all, did it upload the file to? WIN92 is a GUI software and has no directory other than clicking the EXE file from the downlaad directory, it stores no other files anywhere that I know of. So, too many problems and still working on a few problems with the PRO-92 and have given up for now not knowing where I can get the info on the calls dropping out, and how to fix that if possible. I hope someone may have a little info that might help me with one or two of these problems. Thank you for your help and have a safe weeekend and holiday on Monday as well.


Dec 19, 2002
Fortunately, GA
First, this should have been asked in the CA state forum where more knowledgeable people could help you. (To do this, click on the Blue Report button in the lower left corner of your post and ask that it be moved to the CA forum.) But, since San Francisco has gone to a Phase II system, your Pro-92 will no longer be able to monitor traffic.
There is, also, encryption on many of the TG's on the system. Might be time to upgrade, or find a broadcasttify stream to monitor.


Oct 15, 2012
I also have an older Radio Shack/GRE Pro-92 (no A, or B) as well. I now use mine to monitor FRS/GMRS UHF radios in my area, and it makes a great portable air band receiver for listening to aircraft. It still has some usefulness to it, even if it lacks the ability to monitor control channels, or P25 Phase 2 systems. Even in California, there is still a lot that is old school analog and AM that can be monitored.


Apr 3, 2008
Port Charlotte FL
the 92 does not do digital, so what you are hearing is probably analog.
so do what PACNWdude mentioned. use it for analog stuff.
look in the database for the counties you want and manually add the analog stuff.


Premium Subscriber
Sep 15, 2006
Fair Oaks, CA

WIN92 is the software to use. Some people have had issues when running under new O/S versions such as Windows 10. You'll find if you plug the programming cable into the scanner, even with the other end completely disconnected, the display will show "Clone Mode". It was originally designed to plug two PRO-92s together. I have an original cable that plugs into a 9 pin COM port. The newer USB cables work too. If you have the USB version, when you plug it into your computer, you'll have to look in Device Manager to see what COM port was assigned to it. You'll need that to set the configuration in WIN92.

However, when it comes to listening to stuff in your area; the only things it can even try to receive are CHP, Cal Fire, air band and some media channels (yeah there's amateur bands, etc. too). Not much else in terms of police and fire. These days there is no real inexpensive solution unless you're just trying to get a better radio to receive what that scanner can already receive. For example; the PRO-164 is a better design than the PRO-92, largely the same radio functionally; but both way outdated.

In order to properly receive these modern systems where police and municipal fire are, you need either an SDS-100 or SDS-200. The issue is that these systems are "simulcast systems" and those are presently the only 2 models of scanners out there which can receive them properly (there are other receiver solutions but not scanner solutions). You're looking at about $650 new. Ouch.

Additionally, as others have mentioned, a lot of public safety radio traffic is presently encrypted. That means it can't be monitored by us at all. It's impossible to predict where this is all going, there are lots of threads here on RR discussing the future of scanning. Some might want to milk the hobby while we can, others will find something else to monitor. But to have even a chance at all that, you need the latest and greatest. Note: I love my PRO-92 too, but I find it to be too delicate to transport/etc.


May 17, 2022
Good evening and thank you for the various bits of information.
I didn't ask before but I do have some other questions that may help me determine the next steps with scanning.
I did ask if I needed to program tones or other codes into the scanner but that was answered, and now know that nothing will work now since it is only an FM trunking scanner without digital obviously. I still do hear a random tac or other channel, and sometimes the main SSF or S Bruno PD, main dispatch, but same, 3-4- times in any day or night. It was receiving fine until about a month ago. I wanted to find a channel listing that shows that it is digital and what is needed to be able to scan the channels but the only one I found under the state listing for San Mateo County, all show the same frequencies that I have programmed in and maybe a couple of different new ones added here and there. It doesn't say digital but for example,

488.46250WII972RM114.8 PLS San Fran PD1 TYPE: FM
I have no idea what I would need to do, maybe add the type, tone and FM? But that was answered. So, I figured I need a newer scanner, like the Uniden BCD436HP Home Patrol Series, which is digital, thinking that would solve the digital problem, but I would be dead in the water if most of these channels were encrypted, and I don't know where to find that info what channels in the cities I listen to ARE encrypted, or if the new scanner would be a waste of money in 1-2 years and become obsolete again. I appreciate all the previous responses and help and hope that you can explain where to get the encryption info, whether or not channels in the cities and county I listen to, if my channels are not ones showing as encrypted. Then I would need info about the codes that need to be entered in, unless the newer scanner would already have that info in the database when purchased, or maybe a reference to a different scanner that might work as well. Thank you very much and I hope you all have a safe weekend and also a safe holiday on Monday. Thank you very much and I hope you all have a safe weekend and also a safe holiday on Monday.


May 17, 2022
Thank you for the info again. I looked at the Radio Reference frequency list for San Mateo County, CA, for San Bruno and South San Francissco PD and Fire, and all frequencies show same as I have had programmed over the years,and just a couple of different frequencies have been added in the systeem. They still show FM, and there is nothing that I know about how to tell if they changed anything to digital. Then earlier, I ran across another RR listing showing the SM County P-25 system, and almost all the channels were showing, even San Bruno, but the rest of the penninsula cities, like South San Francisco, Millbrae, Belmont San Carlos, Redwood CIty are not. Very confusing that those are not listed on the page. I have been thinking about getting a newer scanner, the Uniden BCD436HP, Home Patrol series, trunk tracker V, with simple programming, IF that would also work with the simulcast systems, like the SDS-100, or other ones that might be recommended. GMCLAN mentioned that I would need possibly an SDS-100 or SDS-200 (base) to hear what I wanted, and mentioned the systems are simulcast, but if the Uniden would work with simulcast then that would be a good one. I hadn't mentioned the Uniden unit in that previous help question, but then again, encryption has been mentioned and we apparently can't listen to those channels, and if some aren't, but they may be soon. If they are, then buying a newer scanner would appear to be an expensive and useless mute point, that still wouldn't work for PD and Fire. I appreciate all of your help, and hope to get a little more info here, about the 2 scanners, and really appreciate your help with the long time listener, but new programming newbie. Stay well and have a very safe Memorial Day.


Premium Subscriber
Sep 15, 2006
Fair Oaks, CA
This is the system you should have programmed. It can't be monitored by a PRO-92. Note that Site 013 is Simulcast which limits what scanners can properly receive the system. You will hear stuff with a BCD436HP, but it'll often be garbled or you won't hear some calls at all. The typical way these systems work is all calls are not on all sites. From the breadth of what you've listed that you're interested in, I think you'll likely want to include site 013 in your programming.


May 17, 2022
Thank you again for the update and info. I also found the 013 I found a link in RR to San Mateo County P25 Regional Communications System, but every time I go to this link it produces 5 pop up prompts on the page explaining how to navigate the page info, then goes away. Been to the page about 5 times and it does that, rather annoying, but telling me about adding 013, means that you have already been to the listings I found. I also found out how to determine the encryption info, by hovering over the TYPE header, which explains the types of transmission/encryptions. It looks like almost all the areas are showing type D, and not encrypted for now. But the list only shows down to San Bruno. It does not continue and there is no next page to select. So now confused as to where the rest of the cities might be listed. (Millbrae, Burlingame, San Mateo, Belmont, San Carlos, Redwood City). As far as the scanners go, I understand from reading different info where others talk about not getting all the calls and have also shown videos comparing the Bearcat and pager type receivers, and one comparing the Bearcat with the SDS-100. On one of the videos, they explained that if the pre-programmed zip code info was used, in scanners, it would cause delays receiving a lot of calls since it had to scan through the database. Wondering if the Bearcat or pager type, or SDS-100 would really be worth it, since encryption seems inevitable soon. So, I am assuming that if individual sections of the county were programmed in, like you said add 013, and several other key areas that I would want, that would cut the scan time down and give more accuracy then? It is too bad that we now have to worry about the encryption of the channels and we lose a lot of enjoyable listening. I probably wouldn't need a scanner just to listen to SFO tower, they are right across Highway 101 from me. Thank you again sir, for all the info and help again. PS, I have dragged my Pro-92 everywhere in all three of my cars since 1999. 254k miles, 256k miles, and current 134K miles. Maybe all that bouncing around caused the PD and Fire bands to go out? ☺ And again, thank you for your time and I appreciate your time and patience, from this total newbie to programming, and all other info as well.


Premium Subscriber
Sep 15, 2006
Fair Oaks, CA
The database on the site was recently updated and I think what you're running into is it wants to show you the new features. Once you've done that, it will take you places directly. Here is a link to San Mateo County. This is where you'll see the individual cities listed, and a link to the trunked system I discussed earlier.

You've mentioned a lot of cities, and you'll have to look at each to see where you can presently monitor them. The channels in the county are listed as analog, receivable by the PRO-92. But, for example, when you look at Millbrae, you'll see it is dispatched by the Sheriff and is on the trunked system. Redwood City is still analog.

This hobby is constantly changing with regard to what's needed to monitor the latest systems/etc. We all pay to listen today with no guarantee we'll be able to monitor tomorrow. Some people listen to stuff that can be monitored with basic receivers (air traffic for example) while others need the latest and greatest (which is now often not even good enough).

I run multiple scanners unless it is just around town. One model works better on low band VHF where the CHP is, another works better for conventional traffic and the SDS is required for digital trunking. And when at home, one incident can quickly use several receivers so I can monitor each agency involved on a dedicated receiver w/o scanning off to something else.


May 17, 2022
Thank you for the recent info again and the link for the county. I did see a similar link this past week, but it was slightly diifferent, didn't have all the listings after San Bruno, like I mentioned before. I understand that the simulcast systems need the newer scanners to receive, like the bearcat or SDS receivers to monitor, unless they are encrypted then they would not be receiveable. I see that san Bruno and South San Francisco PD and some other peninsula channels are listing the same frequencies as I have programmed, but I think you said there was another reason that I might be receiving the calls sporatically, and not all the time anymore on the PRO-92? I think I mentioned before tha they were showing FM in the county listing. And speaking of the devil, Just heard a call on SSF PD Pri, 488.4625. Didn't hear much at all last night or evening before. Almost 2 months ago there were calls like normal, evening and day. I get the strange ones. It's just that "Mike" thing... again. Sigh ☺ Thank you for the help again very much Stay safe and well and happy scanning!


Premium Subscriber
Sep 15, 2006
Fair Oaks, CA
... I see that san Bruno and South San Francisco PD and some other peninsula channels are listing the same frequencies as I have programmed, but I think you said there was another reason that I might be receiving the calls sporatically, and not all the time anymore on the PRO-92? I think I mentioned before tha they were showing FM in the county listing. ...
I hadn't mentioned any specific channel as I wasn't sure of all you want to monitor. Some channels may have moved to the new system, and other changes could have taken place since your PRO-92 programming.

Keep in mind that a radio can only receive what its antenna can "see". That's why reception is usually better from a mountain top (or when the antenna is on a tower). There's reasons things can be picked up (or not at all) other than the (type of) radio or system.

Side note: I've seen issues where a PRO-92 has to "warm up". I've witnessed where it was deaf until being powered for like 5 minutes. I've never investigated as to why. Most of my radios are on 24/7 and I'm not usually running my PRO-92 anyway.


May 17, 2022
Hi again. I apparently didn't mention all that I want to listen to, as I have since the 90's with my PRO-92. Over all these years I have always been able to listen to the various PDs on primary and Tac 1 and 2, as well as car-to-car, and Fire Depts. from these cities: South San Francisco, San Bruno, Millbrae, Burlingame, San Mateo, and Redwood City, and I usually would hear most of the cities from my home as well as in the car. My PRO-92 seems to have always had good reception from the get go. I have also been listening in Contra Costa County across the bay, to San Ramon and Pleasanton PD, as well as San Ramon Fire. I think One of these PD's were run by the Sheriff dept, and those two cities and fire were a little sketchy on hearing all the time and would have to be in the cities to hear them mostly. SO that's it I hope in a nutty shell. Will have to see about the newer scanned or SDS, but I am pretty sure the Bearcat has the trunking system capability as well. I also just recently noticed some of the channel display properties look strange. I have noticed that some of the channels show PD MO on top right of display, for 488.4625 SSF PD pri PD, and on bottom left of display says MOT. Then 488.8625, shows FM on top right of screen, then TAC 1 North botton of screen. For 488.7875, SB Bruno Pri PD, ED in upper right screen, and ED in lower left screen. Some upper right channels show LT and LTR in lower left display, another shows DL in upper right corner and DPL in lower left corner. I am not at all familiar with all this. Do the different letter designations mean that is detecting that particular mode from that channel, and they all are a little different?? This is where I am totally lost about the programming. I originally just put the channels in the scanner and never put any other info in the screens. Looks like a newer scanner will be just as complicated with the programming. Stay safe and well, and thank you again.


May 17, 2022
Hi, sorry I wasn't able to edit last post in time before the window closed. I was going to ask about your preferences on using the zip code method for programming, or I was thinking to just program areas of interest to cut down the scanning time for calls. I only monitor a handful of areas, and will be adding Caltrain and aircraft band since I live a stones throw across the freeway from SFO, and also the train system borders Hwy 101 in between SFO and me. Caltrain goes from SSF to San Jose.. Not really sure of any other services I would listen to or would be interesting. I did see a few videos that mentioned that zip code proogramming has to search the entire data base and causes dedlays or missed calls since you have to try and lock out the ones you don't listen too. And I haven't listened to Ham radio since my ex and I were going to a free tech class at a local Ham radio operators home here in SSF after we returned to the US. He had 3-4 transmitters going all the time sending out different speed of code and had classes 2 nights a week. I had a Yaesu FT-101B at the time from before we went to Okinawa. It was a nice class and we just contributed for coffee and snacks. Have a safe weekend and hope the rain doesn't come too soon.


Premium Subscriber
Sep 15, 2006
Fair Oaks, CA
Recently several things on your list have moved to P25 systems, which can't be monitored by a PRO-92.
Contra Costa County has largely moved to this system, San Francisco has moved here.
Do the different letter designations mean that is detecting that particular mode from that channel, and they all are a little different??
Yes. It seems like you are picking up frequencies that are part of a trunked system. It means you'll typically only hear parts of a conversation.
I originally just put the channels in the scanner and never put any other info in the screens. Looks like a newer scanner will be just as complicated with the programming.
We're all using software to program scanners now, that makes it a lot easier. You really need to program trunked systems as a system, not as frequencies, to get the full benefit.
... ask about your preferences on using the zip code method for programming
I personally don't like it because I want to control exactly what I am monitoring. But for many, it is a great solution. It's a good place to start when using a new radio. I think you'll quickly find that you'll want to "edit" what it gives you.


May 17, 2022
Thanks again for that info. I think I have narrowed it down to get either Uniden BCD436HOP Home Patrol unit or the SDS-100. I will also need to find what program cable will be needed for either and some not too expensive program software. I figured not using the zip code method after your help and seeing some videos about how it can cause delays and missed calls during the scanning. I did see some scanner program downloads on Scanner Master site but have to figure out which one works for each scanner and also see if there are cables available so I can naarrow my decision. Thank you very much for your extensive help so far, and hopefully I can get on my way and get a nice scanner and listen to a few PD channels, aircraft and a few others until the final encryption goes into place in my area.


Premium Subscriber
Jan 15, 2007
Both the BCD436HP and the SDS100 come with programming cables and they both use the free Sentinel programming software from Uniden.

If you want to upgrade to a full featured software for programming, remote monitoring, logging, recording, and many other enhanced features, ProScan for $50 is an excellent choice.

Last edited:


May 17, 2022
I have changed my thinking of which unit I plan to get. The SDS-100 is my choice. The other unit has simulcast ability too, but the SDS-200 has a newer version and comments have been good that the simulcast works very well now. Although the reviews on the VHF frequencies were a bit on the lower side, but since I have been using the PRO-92, (VHF) and have not had many problems at all with VHF channels, since I am centrally located in the county, and about a mile from SFO. I also looked at the Sentinel Program Software and installed it. It is really very simple to navigate through, and I found out that the listings go down to undividual headings and sub headings making it very easy to void the sections that you don't want. Pretty cool. And you mentioned the program cable comes with the scanner which is great. I still havent gotten the PRO--92 cable working and showing visible to the pro-92 software to upload anything. Scanner says 'clone' on screen with cable attached to computer and software running, but software doesn't see cable, but when I select upload button on the scanner, it says it is uploading for a few min then says complete. It may be uploading but I think it is just sending the info into thin air, since it is not going into the GUI since it doesn't show a connection and the GUI interface dos not have a directory anywhere on the computer as far as I know since it i just opened from the EXE file in Explorer. I will hopefully have the scanner ordered in a few days and won't have problems with that cable too. YIKES ☺ Thank you for your help, it has been very helpful for me in making a decision. finally. TIme to get some sleep.


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