
I might be completely clueless! =)
Jun 29, 2009
Partial County Alerting (PCA) is being proposed for Boulder County. PCA was introduced in the past few years to allow for more precise NWR and EAS alerting within a county by allowing local Weather Forecast Offices to partition the county by up to nine areas by changing the leading zero in the existing SAME/FIPS codes. The idea is to reduce listener fatigue from hearing alerts for distant parts of the county that may not be relevant to the listener.

The current proposal for Boulder County is to divide it into the northwest (108013), northeast (308013), southwest (708013), and southeast (908013) areas. The changes to the SAME/FIPS codes are opt-in, so keeping the current code (008013) will still alert for the entire county. Public comments for the proposed Boulder County changes are accepted through May 30, 2024, with implementation at some undetermined date in the future.

More information can be found in the links below.

My guess is that the Boulder office is using Boulder County as a test run before rolling out PCA for the larger counties in the state that will see the most benefit from these changes.


Blondie Once Said To Call Her But Never Answerd
Jul 3, 2023
2600 dialtone blvd
Definitely sounds good to me... Emphasis on sounds...

My current weather radio is a Midland WR-120EZ. Thankfully I can mute the Wednesday and monthly test but still see the alert light indicating an advisory so I know I'm receiving a signal. Also, I have muted most other stuff like high winds since I don't want to be alerted to high winds. My main use is tornado and other stuff of interest. But yeah, subdividing it down further would be great.