Looking for display size of nx5700
Just bought new jeep looking into buying and installing a nx5700 for use with fire Dept and ham bands. I have a smaller suv there is a spot that I would love that the display of Kch-20 would fit. Or the kch-15 size display. Any dimensions will be appreciated. I know I had a nx700 that the bracket made the display farther.
Plans on expanding the deck to uhf in future also with rc deck nx5800 so I don't know if the kch-15 would work or not. I have upload a picture to get a idea where I would like placement. Thanks Daniel N4EXW
Just bought new jeep looking into buying and installing a nx5700 for use with fire Dept and ham bands. I have a smaller suv there is a spot that I would love that the display of Kch-20 would fit. Or the kch-15 size display. Any dimensions will be appreciated. I know I had a nx700 that the bracket made the display farther.
Plans on expanding the deck to uhf in future also with rc deck nx5800 so I don't know if the kch-15 would work or not. I have upload a picture to get a idea where I would like placement. Thanks Daniel N4EXW