I'm having a very small issue I thought I would present to the masses and see if this has been encountered and if there is a viable solution.
My primary use is public safety VHF analog. I have a conventional P25 VHF channel and a handful of conventional DMR VHF channels that are within my scan list. Everything generally works great with scanning, all channels are accessible for transmit and receive. I have written permission for access of all frequencies for purposes of this discussion.
The DMR channels within the scan are school district frequencies used in simplex by staff at the school and on a repeated frequency for the buses. All of the school district frequencies use the same talkgroup ID (I have it labeled WSD 800) but use differing frequencies and in one case a different timeslot. I need to have the talkgroup selected on the personality under "SelCall on PTT" to transmit to the proper talkgroup if I am transmitting on that channel.
Here is my issue:
When scanning these channels and receiving traffic on one of these channels the radio display changes to "WSD 800", the talkgroup name, not the channel name. If I needed to respond to the traffic I am not sure which channel the traffic is received from since all of them display the talkgroup name when receiving traffic. Is there a way for the display not to revert to the talkgroup name when receiving traffic on a DMR channel?
I do have Caller ID enabled to show the transmitting radio ID, that displays fine on the 3rd line.
I do not have Group ID Scan enabled for any of the discussed personalities.
My primary use is public safety VHF analog. I have a conventional P25 VHF channel and a handful of conventional DMR VHF channels that are within my scan list. Everything generally works great with scanning, all channels are accessible for transmit and receive. I have written permission for access of all frequencies for purposes of this discussion.
The DMR channels within the scan are school district frequencies used in simplex by staff at the school and on a repeated frequency for the buses. All of the school district frequencies use the same talkgroup ID (I have it labeled WSD 800) but use differing frequencies and in one case a different timeslot. I need to have the talkgroup selected on the personality under "SelCall on PTT" to transmit to the proper talkgroup if I am transmitting on that channel.
Here is my issue:
When scanning these channels and receiving traffic on one of these channels the radio display changes to "WSD 800", the talkgroup name, not the channel name. If I needed to respond to the traffic I am not sure which channel the traffic is received from since all of them display the talkgroup name when receiving traffic. Is there a way for the display not to revert to the talkgroup name when receiving traffic on a DMR channel?
I do have Caller ID enabled to show the transmitting radio ID, that displays fine on the 3rd line.
I do not have Group ID Scan enabled for any of the discussed personalities.